Civilization idea - Siamese

Civilization idea - Siamese

When facing the Husks, they meet the Tusks.

Back with another civilization that is ready to get stomped on.

You know what i'm saying right? Elephants duh, and the civilization that's gonna focus on Elephants are the Siamese who waged war with the Burmese for many years.

Without further ado let's get started

---------- Siamese ----------

Unique Unit

Naresuan Elephant - Elephant unit with an attack bonus vs other elephants

Naresuan Elephant
Unit Cost 150 food, 70 gold
Training Time 25 seconds
Hit points 330, 380 (Elite)
Attack 12, 14 (Elite) melee
+10, +20 (Elite) vs War Elephant
+7 vs Building
+7 vs Stone defense
Blast radius 0.3
Rate of Fire 2.03
Melee armor 2, 3 (Elite)
Pierce armor 1
Armor classes Cavalry
War elephant
Unique unit
Speed 0.8
Line of Sight 4
Upgrade cost 1000 food, 800 gold
Upgrade time 65 seconds


Unique Technologies

Ngao: 500 Food, 400 gold - Castle Age

⦁ Battle Elephants +5 attack vs cavalry

Krabi–krabong: 600 wood, 450 gold - Imperial Age

⦁ Infantry units +10 HP and +2 attack.


Civilization bonuses:

⦁ All units cost -10% food.

⦁ Cavalry units attack 15% faster.

⦁ Buildings return 33% stone when destroyed.

⦁ Redemption free

⦁ Scale Barding Armor, Chain Barding Amor, Plate Barding Armor free (doesn't require Blacksmith)


Team bonus

Mills, Lumber Camps, Mining Camps have +4 line of sight.


Banned Techs:

  • Barracks - Eagle Warriors
  • Archery Range - Arbalest, Elite Skirmisher, Hand Cannoneer, Heavy Cavalry Archer, Parthian Tactica
  • Stable - Camels, Paladin
  • Siege Workshop - Siege Ram, Bombard Cannon
  • Castle - Sappers
  • Blacksmith - Ring Archer Armor
  • University - Bombard Tower
  • Dock - Galleon - Elite Cannon Galleon
  • Monastery - Faith
  • Economy - Stone Shaft Mining



The Siamese are classified as a mix cavalry/infantry civilization. The Stables lacks the Paladin, but have access to powerful elephant units. The Barracks is great having access to all techs available. The Archery Range is extremely weak lacking Arbalest, Elite Skirmisher, Hand Cannoneer, Heavy Cavalry Archer, Parthian Tactica and even the final archer armor upgrade. Their Siege Workshop is above average missing Siege Rams and Bombard Cannons. Their navy is decent, but weaker in Imperial age due to missing out on Galleons and Elite Cannon Galleons. Their monks are decent lacking only Faith. Their Defenses are decent, only missing the Bombard Tower. With the stone bonus it's even better. Their Economy is decent lacking only Stone Mining Shaft.

submitted by /u/Arganos9217
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