If you could combine two units into one super unit

What could possibly go wrong?

When combining two units you merge their costs together along with their stats. Two civilizations can also be picked for the super unit to benefit from civilization bonuses + Unique Techs. Here's an example:

----------Persians + Celts----------

Elite War Elephant + Halbedier - fully upgraded + Mahouts + Celts infantry speed bonus

Elite War Halbephant (not sorry)
Unit Cost 235 Food, 75 Gold, 25 Wood
Training time 31 seconds
Hit Points 600 +20 + 60 680
Attack 20 +6 + 4 30
Attack Bonuses +32 vs Cavalry
+28 vs War elephant
+26 vs Camel
+17 vs Ship
+7, +10 (Elite) vs Building
+7, +10 (Elite) vs Stone defense
+1 vs Eagle Warrior
+1 vs Standard building
Blast Radius 0.5
Rate of Fire 2.03
Melee Armor 1 +3 4
Pierce Armor 3 +4 7
Armor Classes Infantry
War Elephant
Unique Unit
Speed 1.49
Line of Sight 5

War Elephant+Mahouts+Husbandry: 0.6 + 30% + 10% = 0.24 speed increase

Halbedier+Celts infantry speed bonus+Squires: 1 + 15% + 10% = 0.25 speed increase

Halbediers speed is the highest stat

1 + 0.24 + 0.25 = 1.49

Might be too much, if we went for the lowest stat then it would be:

0.6 + 0.24 +0.25 = 1.09

----------Some rules----------

- You cannot merge a melee unit with a ranged unit.

- Siege units can only be merged with Ships and other Siege units.

- Ships can only be merged with Siege units, Ranged units and other Ships

- Units can only benefit from 1 row of Armor upgrades.

- Units can only benefit from civilization bonuses or unique techs if they have the correct class for it.

Stats that can be merged:

  • Unit Cost
  • Hit Points
  • Attack
  • Attack Bonuses
  • Melee Armor
  • Pierce Armor
  • Armor Classes

Stats that cannot be merged: only the best stat is chosen

  • Frame Delay
  • Blast Radius
  • Range
  • Accuracy
  • Projectile Speed
  • Rate of Fire
  • Speed
  • Line of Sight

Training Time: In this case the longest training time is chosen

Go wild, make a super unit, and perhaps even beat my unit with equal resources spend.

submitted by /u/Arganos9217
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