Which Game Companies Do You Support?

So after watching Hbomberguy advise against buying games from scummy, greedy, shady developers and publishers, and instead go and support those who don’t engage in such practices like indie developers, I do want to know if there are AA and AAA companies who are at the very least, not as exploitative as Activision, Bethesda, EA, Ubisoft, etc and who you support?

I ask this since not only am I curious to hear what your list of companies you support comprise of but also I’m gonna blow my (admittedly pathetically minuscule) Thai army money once I’m released in November, hopefully in time for Black Friday or the Winter Sale, and I’d like to know which companies I should be buying from if I want to improve the game industry.

Off the top of my head, there’s some games on my wishlist whose owners don’t seem to be as scummy.

Bandai Namco : I have Dark Souls III wishlisted and I don’t think Bandai Namco has done anything particularly anti consumer with their other varied published games.

THQ Nordic: Darksiders III, and I’m impressed at how beautiful the game looks despite being a AA game. . So far they haven’t tried anything shady and it is nice to see a new publisher try and publish some more on the niche side games, something I admired from the original THQ (Company of Heroes, South Park, Metro, Darksiders, Saints Row, Dawn of War, Red Faction, and much more)

Motion Twin: Dead Cells. I never played a Metroidvania game but I do wanna give it a shot and help the company out as they seem to be incredibly fair with and equal among their employees

Obsidian Entertainment: Pillars of Eternity 2. While I haven’t finished PoE1, I really do love Obsidian’s commitment to RPG fans and their underdog status.

Sega: Warhammer 2- Total War, Endless Space 2. They are more on the shadier side on my Wishlist due to micro transactions in games like Company of Heroes 2 but I also feel they don’t come close to the other AAA publishers and I do kinda thank Sega for continuing to put on big budget Strategy games like Total War, Company of Heroes, Age of Empires, and Endless Space.

Telltale Games: Batman, The Walking Dead Season 2 and 3. I used to despise TTG as I saw their games as janky, illusion of choice games but lately I realized I’m more in the mood for shorter well written experiences. Plus I like that TTG goes for a cartoony styles look and I also like that their games are relatively cheap. I do hope the new engine they’re using won’t jack up the price or go for ‘realistic’ graphics.

Paradox Interactive: DLC and expansions. Although they have some questionable DLC policies, I think not only are they generally open and receptive to their communities and provide a well made series of niche games, I also think their long term commitment to improving their games is admirable. Games like Stellaris has improved dramatically since release and future updates look to further revamp major mechanics hopefully for the better

I know I missed out on some, especially the indie devs but yeah, which companies do you support?

submitted by /u/ToonCrazy44
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