Looking for new or returning casual players on HD and Discord

Hi All,

A small group of friends and I just started playing AOE2 HD on Steam in February. Most of us played the game when it came out in the late 90s. Now, we have the expansions and play matches on the weekends, and sometimes during the week.

We're looking to expand our player base with other casual armchair generals who love the game. Several of us have become parents, so there are times that we have to pause and take care of things at home. We mainly play against the computer on Moderate, but aren't adverse to fighting each other (although the last time we DID was prior to HD, probably in the first half of the 2000's).

If you're interested in joining us, or just brushing back up on the game before moving onto greener pastures, message me on Steam. My name there is vishalicious213. We also have a small Facebook group where we discuss the game, which all are welcome to look at:


submitted by /u/vishalicious213
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2ArRwxh
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