Somalian civ idea

Today, back to Africa, let me tell you about the enemies of Ethiopia: The Somalians.


Somalian Sultanates, through the middle ages, were trade superpowers of eastern africa, only at the same level as Ethiopia and the Swahili. Ajuran and Adal were big empires who faced Portuguese and Ethiopians and were one of the biggest allies of the Ottomans too.


Naval civilization

First dock cost 50% less Town centers +1 range each age up

Ships +1 ship armor

First 10 trade carts are free

TB: Cannon Galleons do 20% more damage vs buildings.

UU: Malakh (Hand canoneer)

Cost: 40F 60G |Hp: 35, 40 |Attack: 15, 17 (+8 vs archers) |ROF:3 |Speed: 0.9 | 0/2, 0/3 armor|LOS:10 |Creation speed: 13 |Range: 7, 8 |

Basically a hand canoneer who is better vs archers and haves a slightly better hp and ROF.

CastleAgeUT: Billao Sword (Militia +5 vs other infantry)

ImperialAgeUT: Darbzen (Hand canoneers +4 damage (UU not affected))

Disabled techs

Archery: Heavy cavalry archer, parthian tactics, thumb ring Infantry: Eagle scout, Arson, Tracking

Cavalry: Battle Elephant, Hussar

Siege: Heavy scorpion

Blacksmith: /

University: siege engineers, arrowslits, bombard tower

Monastery: Heresy, Sanctity, Redemption, block printing.

Economy: gold shaft mining, guilds

That's the somalians! A late game civ for sure with a broad tech and a slight focus on gunpowder and ships but this focus isn't enough to make them top tier on anything.

Opem to balance suggestions and taunts about the civ




submitted by /u/Thangoman
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