AoE Definitive Edition: Do you expect performance issues for AOE2DE?

AoE Definitive Edition has pretty horrible performance for me.
I run it at the 2x zoom level (as opposed to the 1x or 4x options )and the fps just tank if I zoom out all the way even in the first tutorial missions where practically nothing is going on.
I'm using a gtx970 OC and an i5 2500k - not stellar by todays' standards but well within the range where I would expect a game like this to run flawlessly.

Now I'm really worried AoE2 DE will have the exact same problems, seeing how it seems to use the same engine.
I remember the devs even said something about how the 2D capabilities of GPUs didn't keep up with their 3D capabilities and that may be true and all but then tell me how it is possible that I can play Factorio at 100fps, a game with a lot more going on at any given time and where I can zoom in and out even more than in AoE:DE.

Seriously, taking fps in AoE2 DE on a perfectly decent rig would be a huge flaw.

submitted by /u/Chaos-Knight
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