Balance Patches (AOE 2 DE)!!!

Balance patches:
>General: Elite Skirmisher upgrade cost increased from 200w/100g to 230w/130g
>General: Herbal Medicine effect increased by 50%
>General: All Gates have 0/0 armor while building
>General: Palisade Gate cost increased from 20w to 30w
>General: Watch Tower HP reduced from 1020 to 700 in feudal age. HP restored back to 1020 in Castle Age.
>General: Elite Battle Elephant attack reduced from 16 to 14.
>General: Supplies moved to Feudal Age
>Teutons: Receive Herbal Medicine
>Teutons: Murder Holes & Herbal Medicine free
>Britons: Warwolf cost increased from 500w, 250g to 800w, 400g
>Franks: Cavalry +20% HP bonus only available from Feudal Age
>Goths: Lose Supplies
>Incas: Slingers -1 attack (reduced from 5 to 4)
>Italians: Genoese Crossbowman reload time reduced from 3 to 2
>Khmer: Receive Faith
>Khmer: Receive Hussar
>Khmer: Lose Shipwright
>Koreans: Receive “All non-siege units cost -15% less wood”
>Koreans: Lose “Fortifications built faster”
>Malay: Harbors base attack reduced from 6 to 3. Bonus attack vs Ships increased from 9 to 12.
>Malay: Forced Levy changes gold cost into food cost
>Malay: Forced Levy cost changed from 1000f 600g to 850f 500g.
>Persians: Town Centers and Docks work +5% faster in Dark Age.
>Saracens: All Archers now deal +3 bonus damage vs buildings.
>Saracens: Market costs -100w (instead of -75w).
>Saracens: Mamelukes +5 armor vs Halberdiers
>Spanish: Missionaries heal as quickly as normal Monks.
>Spanish: Missionaries affected by Husbandry.
>Slavs: Receive Faith
>Slavs: Farmers work 10% faster (lowered from 15% faster)
>Slavs: (Elite) Boyar training time reduced to 15s (from 23s/20s)
>Vietnamese: Receive Husbandry

submitted by /u/LioValiant
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