Umbrella Civ Idea to Cover most civ in the world

Im really serious here, since we cant have infinite civs I tryed to make some "umbrellas" to secure the representation of some of the bigger holes in the world

BALTS = Lithuanians, Prussians and Latvians. The pagan peoples of the Baltic that fought Slavs and the Teutonic Order.

GEORGIANS = The peoples of the Caucasus, it include proper Georgians, Armenians, and maybe even Alans (cant use the name "Caucasians" to avoid the mainstream racial definition).

DRAVIDIANS = The south india peoples, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Gondi, etc. Political and cultural independient region of the medieval India, being the Chola and Rashtrakuta their biggest empires. Since in game India civ is mainly based on north west india region, where the indus river is located, they can keep the name of India (name used since antiquity to refer that especific area).

TAIS = The forgotten peoples of the Rise of Rajas, Thai, Lao, Isan, Dai, and Ahom. Representing the kingdoms of Ayutthaya, LanNa, LanSang and Ahom.

WENDS = An archaic name for the west slavs (Czechs, Polans, Moravians, Pomeranians, Slovaks,etc). With the Indians, Slavs are the worse umbrella right now, so the easier way to split them is leaving the actual Slav civ that is based on Ruthenians, Russians and others orthodox east slavs, and make this West Slav civ to represent the Catholic and some kind of germanized kingdoms like Bohemia, Moravia and Poland. Also a Hussite war campaing can be great.

submitted by /u/nuzband
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