What do I do against Franks?

I mostly play Magyars. Tdlr down

Last game vs a Frank I walled up my woodlines and tried to do a small harrass but he already had superior numbers of scouts so pulled them back and began creating some spears

I had a rather open map

He kept running a group of scouts around my base, waiting for holes to appear in my woodlines. I thought I was doing ok but he then got to Castle age much before me

I was able to hold of the knights somewhat and clicked up about the same time as he already had finished

In Castle age I had some gold so after massing spears to protect me I massed scorpions to counter the throwing axemen.

I got two more TC and tried to boom

Then he had put a castle on my gold with throwing axemen coming to harass around my TC and take out pikes. I retaliated with scorpions but then he had some cavaliers which I tried to counter with pikes (he'd got to imperial age)

Then he had 4 trebuchet raining on my base. Once my main TC was destroyed I had almost no army left and I called gg

For such an open map, what should I have done differently? I gave up on scouts as soon as I realised he had already outnumbered me and then went more into spears and walling in my woodlines. Was this a mistake?

What about adding two more TCs? Should I have tried to defend on one?

I was solely defending the whole game. Perhaps I should've harassed more?

Maybe choice of scorpions was a mistake?

I didn't have stone after my TCs. Maybe I should've gone heavier on stone and got a defensive castle?

I thought I played ok-ish but he was up way before me for castle and I didn't even have the imperial age that game

TDLR: Magyar vs Franks. What are my options for an open map?

submitted by /u/eagle332288
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