So I win a 3V3 get -11 elo then I win a 2v2 get +0 ELO Win a 1v1 desync as the guy resigns lose -6 ELO win another game get +0 ELO I could go on and on. I wouldn't mind so much but some of these games take a lot of time and effort and when you are winning and your ELO goes down as a result, although ELO isn't why I play it's pretty frustrating when these bugs happen everyday, sometimes when me and my friend 2V2 he will receive +8 ELO for the win but i'll receive +0 then when we lose he loses like -5 ELO and I lose -11 even though he has a higher ELO than me so it makes no sense and i'm pretty confused about how the whole system works to be honest.

That's my rant over

submitted by /u/WIMM0
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