Insta resign with Cumans

So some friends and I were playing team games last night, and after a couple of games in which we lost to steppe lancers, my friends started insta resigning in every game the enemy took Cumans. It made me wonder if more people are doing the same? Most people I know feel picking Cummins is cheesing a victory and feels like its cheating, and I often feel sad when I get the civ, I actually apologize to my opponent. I know the idea behind making the new Civs OP was to encourage people to play with them more, however, I feel that argument does not hold true in 2019. Technically this is the 4th expansion forgotten empires have given us, and we are very used to having new Civs now. Sure when people were sticking with AOC on Voobly without Wololo Kingdoms and refusing to play new Civs it made some sense. Now, however, most people who are still sticking with Voobly are those who don't have machines capable of running de smoothly. Cumans are single-handedly driving players away from DE though. The idea that anyone will enjoy playing Cumans because they are OP has backfired hard. Pro players mumble that VIVI is on top of the ladder coz he picks Cumans, a cheat Civ, that him being on top of the ladder does not even count. We need a insta patch to prevent insta resigns. Please devs! Save us!!

submitted by /u/bombaygypsy
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