Multiplayer Discussion: Late-game strategy to end games.

Hey guys, I'm bringing this discussion not only to get some helpful information for myself but also for others, as me and a few friends were discussing this irl tonight and we never came to a conclusion.

In tough games, 1v1, what are your strategies to actually close the game? What I mean is: Often in late-game situations, the game can go for hours with neither side progressing much in terms of pushing, trebs die, troops die, buildings die, but neither side resigns as both still thinks they have the upper hand. These kinds of games are not only annoying but unfun as hell too, specially when you are literally out of ideas of how to progress and end it.

In these kinds of games, sometimes I end up resigning out of pure fatigue, even though I know in my heart it was toe-to-toe.

I'm curious how you guys handle these kinds of situations, do you keep trying to counter what the opponent is doing or try something else? Any advice for newer and older players who go through the same thing?

EDIT: Typos.

submitted by /u/NargWielki
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