Why the Somalis should be added to AOE2

I know it is unlikely that anymore civilizations will be added to AOE2. However, I still think the game could benefit from the addition of more civilizations and, in particular, one or two more African civilizations. And, if the developers choose to add an additional civilization, I really think they could do well by adding the Somalis. Here are a few reasons:

  1. The Somalis pair well with the existing civilizations: Somalis allied with the Turks (Ottoman Empire) and fought the Ethiopians and the Portuguese on multiple occasions.
  2. The Somalis built several sophisticated and powerful states within the AOE2 time frame:

The Ifat Sultanate (1285-1415) and the Adal Sultanate (1415-1577) were the foremost Islamic powers in the Horn of
Africa during much of their existences. The Adal Sultanate was the first military power to use cannons on the
African continent. Adal, allied with the Turks, fought Ethiopia and Portugal in the Abyssinian-Adal War (1529-1543).

The Ajuran Sultanate (1200s to late 1700s) was a major trading power that established diplomatic ties with imperial
China. The 14th century Ajuran ambassador is reputed to be the first African man to set foot in China. Ajuran
fought two wars with the Portuguese in the 16th century.

  1. The Somalis have a great premise for a campaign: The Conquest of Abyssinia (the Abyssinian-Adal War), in
    which Adal, under the leadership of Ahmad al-Ghazi, nearly destroyed Ethiopia and halted Ethiopia's major
    expansion for centuries.

  2. The Somalis are associated with one of the world's most famous African countries, Somalia.

What do you all think? Do you think the Somalis would be a good addition to AOE2? What other non-European civilizations do you think would make good candidates for inclusion in the game as new civilizations?

submitted by /u/Abatta500
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