Thoughts on these potential balance changes?

Steppe Lancer:
- Gold cost raised from 30 to 60.
- -1 pierce armor.
- Speed reduced from 1.5 to 1.35 (same as Paladin).

- Rate of Fire changed to 2.03 (from 1.8) (same as Cavalry Archer).
- Frame Delay changed to 5 (from 0) (same as Mangudai).
(or maybe it should be the other way around i.e. Mangudai RoF (1.7) combined with Cav Archer Frame Delay (10)?...)

- Elite Leitis upgrade cost increased to 1300 Food, 750 Gold (from 750 Food, 750 Gold) (same as Paladin cost).
(the massive upgrade cost difference makes this 'choice' too much of a no-brainer)

Keshik i.e the "Raiding" Cavalry:
- Speed increased from 1.4 to 1.5 (same as Hussar).
- Gold generated from combat is now also subtracted from the player being attacked (unless they are at 0 Gold).
(the 0 Gold exception is there just in case the game can't handle negative resource amounts)

- Garrison capacity reduced to 10 (from 20).
- Construction time increased from 150 seconds to 200 seconds.
- Range reduced to 6 (from 7).
- Population capacity reduced to 10 (from 20).

- Can build Town Center and Seige Workshop (making Battering Rams) in Feudal Age, start with -200 stone.
- Can no longer research Paladin.

- Can train Steppe Lancer (including Elite).
- Can no longer research Paladin.

- Can train Steppe Lancer (including Elite).
- Can no longer research Heavy Camel.

- Units do +50% damage and take -50% damage when attacking from higher elevations (instead of usual +25%/-25%).

submitted by /u/BendicantMias
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