How Forgatten Empires created such a bullsit changelog for Patch 2.7?

  • Fu Xi: Blessed construction now reduces the cost of Towers and Castles by 50% (was 20% ).


  • Shennong: Reduced the Fire Lance’s splash area from 32 and the bonus damage dealt to buildings from 400%250% .
  • Shennong: Increased the bonus damage dealt to buildings by the Sitting Tiger from 300%320% .

Useless info, because it isn't damage per second, it's damage per hit. Same for Phoenix.

  • Great Flood: Increased Crush damage from 100125 . Increased persistent hack damage from 2.57.5 . Increased persistent crush damage from 1.253.75 . Now deals 100% bonus damage to Town Centers and Citadel Centers.
  • Great Flood: Raised the maximum damage dealt to units ( 1500 → 3500 damage) and buildings(12,000 → 15,000 damage).
  • Great Flood: Reduced the ally damage modifier from 20%10% .
  • Tsunami: Reduced persistent hack damage from 7.55.5 , the persistent crush damage from 3.753.0 , and the maximum Villager health damage from 1200 → 800 .

What the heck is the difference between Great Flood and Tsunami? Tell me. Totally controversial informations. And all of this crap gives zero info for a normal player who never looked into game files.

  • Chu Ko Nu: Reduced range from 16 14 . Increased Pierce damage from 4 7 , and accuracy from 0.7 0.8 .

Info quality level: Tale of the Dragon

  • Monks: Can no longer convert frozen or stoned units. Increased the base Convert time on human soldiers from 6 11 seconds, the minimum Convert time from 6 9 seconds , and the maximum Convert time from 10 11 seconds

There is no maximum convert time has no effect, it doesn't exist in the exe file. And the truth is that: nobody knows how conversion times are calculated exactly.

  • White Tiger: Reduced the bonus damage dealt to Myth units from +300% +200% .

It was reduced only for the jumpattack.

Plague of Serpents: Increased the Serpent wander distance from 4 8

It may have a negative effect because, because defensive unitAI prevents units from wandering farer than 5 distance.

  • Odin: Increased the hp bonus from +10% → +15% .

For Jarl only.

We can start to create Tale of the Dragon memes. Developers have no clue about what they write to an official changelog.

submitted by /u/pikachu9021
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