If you could design a Random Map, what would it be like?

Mine would be something about subterrain battle with a backstory of two opposing sides fighting over a mountain passage that is a valuable defence position for either side. There would be only withering dead trees and few of them, two rivers and decent sized lake filled with food, also gold and stone mines would be twice or thrice more frequent.

With UP/modding capabilities I would like the Feitoria effect to be added to capturable Gaia resource areas/objects, this in my mind has potential to lead to more battling and less economic macroing. I am not a fan of building up a whole Empire every game and then see it get terminated every time with the Quit button, so I would probably also like more starting buildings and maybe enforce even a Feudal Age starting situation.

So, what are your ideas?

submitted by /u/nhoobish
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