How to win very late games?

So I just finished a one hour long ranked game. I was hades and he was Thor. For some reason neither of us got a clear advantage for the entire hour.

The situation was like this. Our frontlines were a protobolos range from each other and there was constant fighting in between. My sides were fortified and his weren’t but he kept some units near the TCs (somehow I didn’t win middle with the pop advantage, I think I had more civilian units I probably should have sold.

I tried to counter his units but he used a combination of ulfsarks, jarls, valkaries and those Hill fort archers so it was hard so it was difficult. I tried to move some protobolos to his sides but like I said he had units there. If I sent more than just protobolos I started to get pushed back in the center and I couldn’t afford this.

We destroyed each other’s titan gates earlier.

What could I have done to fight such a game?

Btw: eventually he resigned without saying anything, probably had to go.

submitted by /u/hrsidkpi
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