Things I would like to see in Joan Of Arc campaigns in AoE2:DE

Another wave of Beta key invites is close and will introduce Joan Of Arc campaigns this time. First thing I would like to remind everyone is I am not part of AoE2:DE Beta and I can't provide much other details other than official screenshots or other reveals from official sources. Do not consider it as Beta leaks and since I'm not in Beta I won't be breaking any NDA even if my details get accurate. Without further talking this is what I expect: 1. High Pop Cap: I would like to see pop cap around 125-250 or more depending on situation. I'll say 200 is fine for most of the campaigns. I would like to play Joan Of Arc 2nd, 3rd scenario with more pop. 75 pop felt too much low for me. This thing always bugged me that should I make vils or army. 2. Enhanced scenario details: I would like to see more eye candy details in scenario. Also improve other resource balance since campaigns hopefully will feature high pop cap. Among screenshots saw some nice eye candy units. Hoping that they'll be changed. 3. Beginning cutscene: I was already amazed from official screenshot from Facebook/Twitter. Art style felt a bit manga style. Nonetheless liked official art style. I think it'll be polished. 4. Civilization fix: It's already known that there was some serious civilization design and choice errors in campaigns. Also some new civs were introduced later on. I hope that will get toned a bit. I don't think Joan Of Arc campaigns will have this sorta issue.

submitted by /u/Bigbossbro08
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