Barbarossa Brawl - having trouble getting the Relic challenge

Disclaimer: my APM is shit. Is there a way to complete this challenge such that even an incredibly slow player with horrible micromanagement can accomplish it?

I'm already playing on Slow, but it's still too tough for me.

I'm following the recommendation of this post, but am having difficult executing it.

I just don't have the APM to have enough pikes / a large enough force to take on Purple, blow up their monastery, and get away with their Relic before I am overrun.

Green is already attacking me about the time I move out, and they seemingly go out of their way to snipe my monks and petards. Then there's the defences purp has as well; a TC and towers raining down arrows that really make me wish I just had more army to work with.

I do grab the Cuman mercs, but I find my army still so fragile.

Anyone have any techniques they find helped them accomplish this more easily?

submitted by /u/Augustby
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