How to play with a person who doesn't have the game on Steam?

Hello, maybe the correct question is: if it is possible to play a game I own on Steam but my friend doesn't? And if it is possible, how?

The game we're trying to play is Age of Empires II, I also have the game in CD because back in the day my father gifted me the game that way, so an option is to install the game but the CD version. I have played the game on Steam with other friends that have the game on Steam but now I'm trying to play it with someone who doesn't own it in Steam, and you know that you have to spend some money before steam let you play online and sadly AoE is very cheap and it doesn't achieve the needed amount.

So if you can enlight me on this topic I'll be very thankful.

submitted by /u/Lord_Bastian_Marek
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