Need help understanding Aztecs

I am playing some games against the AI in preparation for the remaster launch. I like the Aztecs a lot because of how unique they are. But I have a few questions about units and about economy:

How the hell do their units and counters even work? Coyote runners act as cavalry, I read somewhere they are like 1 pop Uhlan or something. Eagle runners are like Musk + Dragoon in 1 unit? Whats the role of Jaguar Knights then? They are somewhat anti-cavalry, but how do they work against skirmishers or musketeers?

Skull Knights seem to be the only source of aoe damage and they look pretty good, but slow. The buffs for the Warchiefs are really good. However according to a guide I saw, one card is bugged which causes him to deal aoe damage. Because of this card, he also does friendly fire. Is this getting fixed with the remaster?

Now about economy:

I read somewhere that apparently Aztec has the best farms? What about plantations? I would like to know how they compare against age IV european civs with their 2x factories. I usually manage to get like 80 villagers since fertility dance is quite strong with 10 warrior priests. Aztec has a lot of farm cards, but they improve food output from farm, not gold output from plantation if I remember correctly.

What about the +20% output on farms and plantations from their age up bonus? I believe its the last one to imperial. The other one is only 10% bonus. So I do not see how this is straight up better. Take French for example with their bonus villager output, and then you can ship +20% food output on farms and +20% gold output on plantations. How can anyone compete with these bonuses + factory? Does not look like its balanced at all to me, but maybe I miss some hidden bonuses or something?

I hope the remaster makes it possible to know which units counter which. It feels like no one understands how Aztec units really work and I don't blame them.

submitted by /u/happymemories2010
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