Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 10 Week 4: Huns vs Vietnamese

An old favorite vs a new one!

Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Lithuanians vs Slavs, and next up is the Huns vs Vietnamese!

Huns: Cavalry civilization

  • Do not need Houses, but start with -100w
  • Cavalry Archers cost -10/20% in Castle/Imperial Age
  • Trebuchets +30% accuracy
  • TEAM BONUS: Stables work +20% faster
  • Unique Unit: Tarkan (Medium cavalry with attack bonus vs buildings)
  • Castle Age Unique Tech: Marauders (Create Tarkans at Stables)
  • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Atheism (Yeah who cares)

Vietnamese: Archer civilization

  • Enemy positions revealed at the start of the game
  • Economic upgrades do not cost wood
  • Archery Range units +20% hp
  • Conscription free
  • TEAM BONUS: Imperial Skirmisher available at Archery Range
  • Unique Unit: Rattan Archer (Anti-archer archer)
  • Unique Unit: Imperial Skirmisher (Imperial Age skirm upgrade)
  • Castle Age Unique Tech: Chatras (Battle Elephants gain +50 hp)
  • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Paper Money (You and all teammates receive 500g)

Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!

  • Okay, so for Arabia, we are seeing a revision of the current meta due to the more open nature of the new official version of the map, as well as the improved pathing. With that said, I still think most would agree that both of these civs are quite powerful. Huns... yeah I don't need to talk about them. Meanwhile, Vietnamese now have a solid economy and powerful military options throughout the game, and are surprisingly diverse for an archer civ. To whom would you give the edge here?
  • On hybrid maps, Huns possess some nice wood savings, as well as powerful, mobile military options, making them always a popular choice. However, Vietnamese now possess some solid early wood savings as well - and even get Gillnets for only 150f. Which civ do you prefer on your Four Lakes and such?
  • In team games, it is pretty obvious that Vietnamese are an excellent flank civ whereas Huns are an excellent pocket civ. I know it is kind of comparing apples to oranges, but which civ is more complete in filling out their respective roles?

    Thanks as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Franks vs Goths. Hope to see you there! :)

Previous discussions: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

submitted by /u/OrnLu528
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from newest submissions : aoe2
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