Can you give tip How play to Russia?

Recently, I listened DE, so I waiting that.

Well, But I played age 3 almost 5 years ago, so I forget all play method.

Anyway, I look around all civs and Russia real look interesting.

They have Blockhouse so I can defense with it. And they have cheaper infantry and cav.

And I think Cossacks are real good units and Oprichniks are real funny units.

So, I want to get some tips for play Russia.

I want to play that well, but their unique systems, and no settler cards, Strelet's poor range make me hard.

*What is good choice first cards? They don't have settler cards.

*How I can fight enemies powerful Cav, like Mahout. Cav carcher are decent?

*Are there something I need to know play Russia?

submitted by /u/dak0653
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