Unable to play game on Linux from Steam


I've downloaded this game on my new Acer 314 using Linux (Debian 10).

I have installed Wine, Vulkan and Steam. I have Steam Play enabled and have downloaded Proton 4.11.

I have installed the game through Steam and when I go to open up the game the splash screen loads up and then appears to crash and the game closes.

I think the issue might be something to do with Vulkan not being installed properly. The download to get Vulkan seems to work fine, but I get the following error message when I type 'vulkaninfo' into the terminal -


Vulkan Instance Version: 1.1.97

/build/vulkan-tools-6bmpQy/vulkan-tools-1.1.97+dfsg1/vulkaninfo/vulkaninfo.c:3845: failed with VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

Any idea of the issue or how I can fix this?


submitted by /u/sleepinggecko12345
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