Finally beat Barbarossa brawl, if you've had any trouble here's my success story

I know this was prob very ez for most, but for some reason I just wasn't getting past like 14 minutes left until i switched up my whole strat, just got right on 10 minutes left and got achievement. Here's what I did;

create market on NW path next to monastery to make a narrow path between. use houses too

create enough houses to block west route completely.

send scout to cumans in far east. once market up buy them and send home

send about 4 vils to create TC next to stone up north east. once TC up pump out vils on stone

original tc creating vils to get wood at forest to the south. i just always keep constant vils coming out. if you need switch to food or w/e youre low on (duh)

create 4 barracks by south and palisades to block the spots by the moat path so they are forced into a narrow space (first attack by knights will come from here, just have pikes and use castle fire, you should be good) start pumping out pikes soon as they are built

bring cuman horses back to base

by now you should have enough to create a castle. created one close to TC by the monastery.

first wave should be attacking, shouldn't be a problem if you funnel them in between buildings to the castle, use pikes and cumans to pick them off. send your knights to take out any trebs/catapults

create another castle ASAP, pull all vils if needed. having a castle on east side helps to pick off siege

basically do the same for other waves, use buildings to funnel in enemies and pick them off with pikes up front, horse bows and castles arrow to kill. I found i was able to kill most of the onagers with castles if i just put villagers in the castle and directed fire. only prob was some trebs but like i said pick off with knights or whatever you have

create a few archerys and get some more horse archers. speed is nice here cus ez to outmicro the AI

a few desperate moves at the last second may be needed :)

Gotta say this one was fun actually a challenging event for once (for me anyway lol) if you have any questions lmk

submitted by /u/soggyblotter
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