How to maintain aggression in the early game?

Hi all

I'm back again. I unfortunately couldn't figure out Loki despite all the fantastic help you all gave me, so I went over to his brother Thor and have been doing fantastic against my friend.

I do the lackluster Dwarven economy start, 7 to gold, 4 to food, and then like 4-5 to wood, which generally put me at a 5/5.5 minute Classical age.

I then usually start pumping out Usflarks/RC and a few Hesir while getting constant Dwarves out, first tier armory upgrades, and then taking nearby town centers.

However either due to my own negligence, or lack of commitment, I can never seem to capitalize on these quick ages/early armies when he has none.

Granted he shits out cease fire so fast it stalls me, but I'll either capture a nearby town center, wall it up, and place barracks, or I'll sit inside his base by his villagers.

But when we get to the 3rd age I generally start to lose momentum. He'll start producing an army, he'll start being able to win battles due to unit quality, economy (which is understandable due to dwarves not being that good in the mid game), or I'll make the wrong units.

To those that are aggressive, how do you stay so aggressive and not lose steam?

submitted by /u/TheGreatGodLoki
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