Sundjata Mission 5 Bug

Hey Folks,

I finally completed the Sundjata Missions, Mission 5 on Hard for the Achievment, I got the Achievment for Mission 4 and 5.

M4 - have 100 Gbeto Warriors
M5 - Finish the Mission on Hard

So I completed the 5 Missions and I should have finished the Campaigne, but On the Campaigne Select Screen (Where you can Choose which one you wanna play) has a Bronze Coin which means I have done all the Missions but on the Mission Select Screen there is no such coin on Mission 5 itself.

On 1 - 4 I have those Coins, and I replayed the Mission again but still no "Campaigne Achievment" or this completion Coin.

Is this a bug, and if yes, can I do something about it?

submitted by /u/Kisuke40K
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