New Arabia finally brings back the joy of Arabia!

Some people liked the diversity of old arabia, others liked the aggression etc. But what I really loved and felt that the new DE arabias lacked, was the minute 1 panic to see if you can get your sheep under the tc without idle time. You know that feeling has really been lacking with the new arabias, you always has the livestock in range. Well recently I've been pleasantly suprised to find that the new arabia reintroduces that same sense of blind panic! There I was doing the usual scout in an arc around the tc, have sheep scouting when I realised that despite scouting a ring around my tc and decent vision - there was no woodline visible in distance! Man the adrenaline wondering "where tf are the woodlines?", i really missed that.

If I had to criticize the devs tho, and this is a small thing - I eventually did find a woodline. I hope in the future the devs can make that aspect more up to chance as well. From looking at the previous arabia version, it seems like that the devs are working on that as well, which is great news!

submitted by /u/GotNoMicSry
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