Relic spawn count on bigger map with 8 "players" is nuts (AOE2 DE)

It just after long time of thinking that i finally bought the Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, after checking many sites and scores from many companies and critics, cause i was disappointed by the AoE:DE ... but it was quite pleasant suprise ... just one think to point out ... the relics spawn count ...

I started game on Mongolia map, with teams of Me + 3AI (for team bonuses) and vs 4 randoms ... it was hell (Moderate diff) i didnt believe what i saw after my scout discoverred over 10% of the map ... cause i found at least 8 relics close to me (yeah on that 1/10th of map ... so i was quite curios and put "marco" in chat to quick check and though .. "oh my god" ... I saw at least 60 relics on the my diamond minimap (it was completly random Mongolia map) ... how is this possible ?! in Classic AoE2 you need 8 people to have at most 12 relics on biggest map !!

After another hour of struggling against composed attacks of 4 AI which almost in synch were crushing my AI buddies, (Koreans and Battle elef, are fearfull combo with other siege stuff) ... like i had to rush in to bases and destroy their temples to stop their passive gold income from relics ... after like 4h i wanted to check -> save ans resign ...

I had 22 relics, cause i wanted to minimase AIs spam of units if they get gold. but my friends still had at least 8 all together ... but Enemy .. 1st temp had like 6... 2nd had about 8 ... then after resign i saw that 3rd AI had just 5 .. but last one on the side which in 1st hour crushed one AI buddy had whole 11 Relics!!!

That seems like some serious relic spam, now i started another map and again ... is it that the bigger map the more relics ?! It used to be by player cound.. so even the biggest maps sometimes had 4 if 2 players.

I see this as probably only one and the biggest of the broken things in this "remaster". If anybody knows if its possible to change it .. maybe in files or something please!!!

submitted by /u/Dangr_Kuroma
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