DE should remove unit selection limit

Unit selection limit is currently 40 in AOC and 60 in HD/DE. This is very restrictive when trying to manage large armies. Selection limit of 40 was appropriate in AOK, when population limit was 75, so could select more than half of population, which was likely enough for whole army.

Now when people can play with 500 population, which might mean army of 250 units, it is annoying to try to manage it in groups of 60 units. It is unnecessary hassle, which reduces fun in game.

People shouldn't be forced to manage their armies in groups, when it is not appropriate. Let them manage their armies in as big group(s) as they want and micromanage in smaller groups when it is more efficient.

Removing unit selection limit would really be a massive QOL change for DE, which would be welcomed by a lot of people :)

submitted by /u/Yorok0
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