When are bad graphics good?

Age of Empires II celebrates its 20th anniversary today; soon, the second remaster of it, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition will be released. The original game has an isometric 2D view, poor quality textures, unit models, and animations. The definitive edition keeps the isometric view, but has entirely new graphics, much better textures, and better/more animations. Yet, I don't like it as much.

I think the reason why I don't like it is because the new graphics detract from the experience as a whole. Different buildings blend together in a way that they don't in the original game, units are less distinctive from one another, resources stand out less, terrain types are less defined... and it makes what it is, a strategy game, harder to actually strategise with!

Having my enemies units pop out at me and being able to see what units I have around to counter them is important, for obvious reasons, and looking at a simple environment makes it easier for me to process things, and helps me feel more in control of the battlefield. In the same manner, I think a fully 3D view would detract from the experience as well, as it's just another thing to bother with that isn't strategy

That's my theory anyway. I'd like to know if anyone has any similar stories about how having poorer graphics makes a game better for them, or if anyone disagrees with my theory?

(Please no "nostalgia" comments, I swear to God)

submitted by /u/JameliusAntholius
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