I no longer permit the French in my multiplayer games

I know some people like getting steam-rolled by Cuirassier every game, but I prefer to actually have a chance in the late game...

If, for instance in Starcraft II, would you still play if after twenty minutes you were guaranteed to lose against terran or protoss? I know that I sure as hell wouldn't. Against every other busted unit there is something I can do...not so with these boys, especially since coureur des bois means they get extra pop to spend on military.

Go ahead and call me noob/bad all you want, but if your definition of skill is spamming one unit that cannot be countered cost efficiently, then I'd like to see how that works for you in chess, or any reasonably balanced RTS.

And no, I don't want to rush every single game, if the only way to win is by rushing then it's poor design and no fun.(looking at you Russians)

When redcoats with socket bayonets cannot even begin to touch these guys...the point of muskeeters is to be ranged infantry that can handle cavalry, or at least put up a fight, and most of the time they can, but not here. Dragoons don't have much to say about it either. Black Riders are a different story, but there is no guarantee I will be able to train those, and it is of course one saloon's worth of production versus however many stables the Frenchies can pump out.

If I could count on the French to ever do something other then mass Cuirassier every game I'd be okay with it, but they never do so I've had it.

-End Rant.

submitted by /u/ratedmformature3
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