New to TAD... Russian Strelet 3x Damage Against Inf?

Don't upvote I just need an answer from someone who has played Russia or at least knows them well. I know vanilla AoE3 well.

Is there a card or upgrade that gives Strelets a 3x damage modifier against infantry?

I ask because I played a game where a teammate asked why I don't have the "3x upgrade for Strelets... Noob". Hear me out lol.... I just googled, search all cards (even the Church card), played a 30 min round against a sandbox AI so I could check all buildings to see if TAD adds a new upgrade for Stretlets.

I know there are cards such as Stretlet Combat (15%), Boyars (10%), Advanced Arsenal (don't know total % off the top of my head).

Is there some hidden card or upgrade im missing? Or was my teammate the actual noob? He wasn't talking about Age upgrades (we were in Industrial and they were Guard).. I dont know enough about what TAD adds yet, but please let me know if this is even a thing. Thank you!!

submitted by /u/Ohraa
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