Good places to find friends for team games?

First off, I'm only about 800 ELO in team random games; 50-69 currently. To be fair, I had maybe 5 crashes due to what was apparently the graphics DLC.. I'd say another 7 or 8 were my team mate d/c or leaving dark age. Another small handful of games, i've been partnered with people that I believe would have trouble beating AI on easy(I swear people think that AOE2: Ladder is the sims..).. So arguably I'm closer to even than it looks.

I'm nothing special, but the above mentioned is quite frustrating. I'm looking for someone in a similar boat and maybe we can improve together :). I DO think I can, and will improve. I played this a lot, thousands of hours back when I was a lad(33 now). But not on a "competitive" level. Obviously, the balancing, new races, QOL and ect are a bit to get used to.. But I do have a decent background in AOE. Having also played tons of AOM/3. Additionally I had thousands of games played on the WC3 leaderboard. I've been away from RTS for a while, but i'm looking to crack back in.

Located on the east coast US. but I usually play odd hours, i have a odd schedule. But try me anytime lol. I only speak English - but I'm open minded and patient. Spam pinging and a maybe key word is way better than the what I've been getting.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Was nice to vent in the first paragraph at the very least..😂🤣

submitted by /u/Crunchyleafz
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