Chinese players give the most creative and bold games.
They may not win all the tournaments all the time, but man they give such great games. Execute amazingly bold strategies that are very clever. I just love watching them. Lyxx, rubenstock (is he chinese?), Hoang, mr.yo. fuck yeah!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Very minor gripe about the Burmese
I have a very minor annoyance/complaint about the Burmese that I need to get off my chest, this has nothing to do with their gameplay, tech tree, or balance issues or anything like that.
I don't like how the voice acting for their units are of lower quality compared to the other civilizations.
I'm not sure anyone else has noticed this, but the sound quality for all of the Burmese units voice lines are lower in volume and more muffled compared to all of the other civs. They sound like some demos that were recorded but not mastered.
Again, this is a minor issue, but I'm just kinda surprised that this hasn't been brought up before.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
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submitted by /u/ladabadabubdub [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 27
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submitted by /u/Jerarddude [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Where to start? Guides for beginners?
Hi all! I'm an intermediate aoe2 player, want to try upcoming aoe3 de, know nothing about the game so far. Where do I start? Any advice?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Flairs for Incas and Swedes
Is it too soon to ask for Inca and Sweden flairs?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
How good do you have to be to play mp?
I've always wanted to play on mp but I don't think i'm good enough.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
It was always the better game anyway
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submitted by /u/SuperSaracen [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Please help me impress someone (lol)
Hi! I’m ..... I won’t say my name in case he uses this reddit lol, but i’m just a young lady trying to have an opportunity with someone. I’m “”new”” at Age. I’ve been playing since quite some time but I never wanted to get actually better. So why I’m posting this? I’m friends with this guy I like that LOOVES playing the game and I want to impress him getting better and maybe... kicking his ass (nah, just make him have a difficult time), please send me good and useful guides (videos if possible)! I’ll be reading your answers :)
btw wish me luck
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
Do you need the building associated with the free technology to get it?
Eg: Teutons get free herbal medicine do i need to build a monastery before it takes effect?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Elo loss upon victory
Now I know people have said before that its a bug that even if you win a match and it shows elo lost then you dont actually loose elo and all of that. I was playing with mt friends (4V4 RM) and we won the last match but it said -15 elo points. I Checked everywhere and even though i won that match, i lost elo. Please help
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from newest submissions : aoe2
How to mod and modify cheat codes in Advanced Genie Editor (or some other way) in DE
I'm looking for a way to modify existing cheat codes or possibly create my own. I downloaded Advanced Genie Editor and I feel like this should be an "effects" thing, but I can't find any existing cheats there (easily could have missed them). This may or may not have to do with trying to get the 256x cheat working without having completed the event.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
I pre ordered aoe3 de to complete the collection
Microscoft likes money so if u give them money they will keep making age of empires great again
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from newest submissions : aoe2
i cant zoom in custom games
i tried to play this game in custom, just for the nostalgia but its extremely zoomed out and i cant figure out how to adjust zoom or turn it to the way it used to be back in the normal aoe. mousewheel or numpad + + control does not work. does anyone know a fix? thanks in advance:)
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from newest submissions : aoe
Herbal Medicine; from Monastry
A 350 Gold technology; Once researched, it increases the healing speed of garrisoned units by 500%, so they heal six times as fast. With Herbal Medicine, towers and town centres heal 36 HP per minute, and Castles heal twice as fast, at 72 HP per minute. If allied units are garrisoned inside a building, the owner of the building must research Herbal Medicine for it to take effect, not the owner of the units.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Villagers rise up :(
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
AoE2: DE Need help with Scenario Editor! Imported Map has revealed area.
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Long story short, I'm terrible at making maps with water or coastlines, so I imported the map from the first El Dorado mission from AoE2:HD into AoE2:DE Removing EVERYTHING except the water. There's no triggers, units, terrain, anything that I have not put in. However, when I was testing a hero unit for the scenario, I noticed there was a revealed area on the map. Obviously, this is not supposed to be here. Upon using in game cheats 'marco' & 'polo' it revealed there's nothing visible there. And using the CTRL+A to reveal unit selections, there's also no item or object there like and invisible unit or map revealer. So far this is what I have tried to do;- Everything in the 'Erase' menu in terrain.- Finding the exact spot and using the delete option in the 'Units' tab.- Copy & Pasting a clear bit of terrain and placing it on top. Nothing works. Anyone know what this issue is and how to fix it? Preferably without replacing the entire map. Edit: (Re)-Generating the map does fix it, but obviously removes all map making progress. [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Actual AoE1 campaign
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submitted by /u/Imperialcloak [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe
AOE3:DE future playable civillizations wishlist
Hello everybody. While I am very happy about the inclusion of Incas and Swedes, there are many civillizations that should also be included eventually with the game's Definitive Edition.
1.Colonial Americans- we play with them for a little in the campaign and meet George Washington. They were supposed to be a fully playable civillization in the base game but ultimately got axed.
2.Italians- we have almost every major European civillization except this one. Plus, they are playable in AOE2 so it's logical that their descendants should appear here in the base game as well.
3.Arabians- while the Ottoman Empire gives us a taste of the Middle East, it's still European in design. We need at least one more Islamic Middle Eastern playable civillization for the base game.
4.Mongols- the native americans will have a new faction with the Incas, so it's only logical that the Asians also get one. The Mongols have left a huge impact on world history and deserve this chance.
5.Last but not least, a new expansion pack. Since the other two deal with America and Asia, the logical choice for the next one would be Africa. Dark continent playable civillizations have only appeared in fan-created mods like ''Wars of Liberty'' and ''King's Return''. There is alot of potential tribes such as the Zulu, Nubians, Kongo, Oyo, Ethiopians and Masai. PS: Sub-Saharan African civillizations have appeared before in ''AOE2: African Kingdoms'' DLC, ''Rise of Nations'' and the ''Empire Earth 2'' mediocre expansion pack ''Act of Supremacy'' albeit fictional and futuristic designed like Wakanda.
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Consistent Stuttering
Hey all just picked up the game and enjoying it so far except for consistent stuttering every 20-30 seconds. The whole thing will just freeze up for a moment then resume. Really rough.
Running it on a Ryzen 3700 with a GTX 1070 and 16 GB of ram, running 1080p without extra graphics on ultra with vsync off. Should run fine.
Any advice to get rid of the stutter?
Thank you!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
AOE is to chess what chess is to checkers.
After some discussion, my friend and I have come to this conclusion. The end.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
ACCM gets 1-tile eagle trap TWICE in a single game.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Have to remake party after Team game
After the new patch the party disbands after every team game, it is pretty annoying to remake it every time especially since in every other game someone drops 😅
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from newest submissions : aoe2
since this is a thing we're doing now
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submitted by /u/mattwinkler007 [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
Do saracens team bonus affect hand cannoneers?
Saracens team bonus is that foot archers +1 attack vs building. Are hand cannoneers considered foot archers in the game? or the bonus just only affect the archer line?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
AI with different difficulties
Hello there!
I am new to the game (200 hours in, LOL) and with the constant patching increasing the difficulty of the AI, my friends and I (who normally play 3x3 vs the computer) are having a problem where 3 hard AI is easy and 3 very hard AI is impossible. We tried changing number of AIs, but 4 hard is impossible and 2 extreme is easy (I really dunno why). Is there a way to change the difficulty of 1 of the 3, so we play a 3x3 game where 2 AIs are hard and 1 AI is very hard?
Thanks a LOT! Love this forum! Love the memes!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Phoenix - Requiem (Song inspired in Joan of Arc campaign)
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
Fuckin' degenerates hogging all the bronze ore
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
Inca summary
So from the videos and articles I've seen so far here's what info we've learned (feel free to correct or add) with a tiny bit of speculation.
It will play more like an Age of Empires 2 civilization. Large fortifications and what appears to be a defensive play style. The odd thing about this statement, though, I'll get to later when going over buildings.
Home City: I haven't seen anywhere it say explicitly, but it's obviously Cuzco/Kuzco. Nothing yet on any Home city cards unfortunately.
Units: So far we have the Chimu runner an equivalent to the coyote runner, which is supposed to be good against artillery and skirmishers. 65 Food and 35 wood.
Bolas Warrior, a ranged aoe infantry with slowing effect to its projectile and the tooltip notes that it's good versus cavalry probably occupying the Eagle runner knight role. 80 food 40 coin
Huaminca Spearman, no tooltip specifying any stats or cost that i've found yet. Probably almost a carbon copy of the trading post ones in-game.
Jungle bowmen, again no tooltips but they do get stealth from the looks of the UI when they're selected. I don't think they're going to be the equivalent to the Arrow knight that was good against artillery if they get Chimu runners.
Macemen, probably their Skull Knight equivalent.
They appear to also get some kind of heavier boat, it has a very Kon-tiki vibe to it, and even has a small hut on it. They probably will also get canoes. (in the river)
This is the odd part. Inca are supposed to play like an AoE2 civ but right away their "house" looks like a Chinese village that supports more than the regular houses of AoE 2 and 3. They could be kanchas that might function similarly to longhouses or villages.
They get a Stronghold which can build almost any unit like a fort can, and is probably the middle ground between a fort and a Castle/Noble's Hut maybe akin to an Agra fort upgraded all the way to a Red fort. (Dehli gate only adds damage, not HP) Again, I think it was supposed to simulate a castle from AoE2 but it seems to function more like a AoE3 European fort.
They seem to get their own War hut (A U shaped building in most vid caps) dock and a market. There's also a curious narrow building with a courtyard that could function as some kind of research building (Maybe like an AoE2 university) but no screenshots of a fire pit yet. and
There's a farm and plantation in this shot.
On the lower right corner of this camera pan there appears to be an Incan building either partly destroyed/built or with an intentional hole in the walls. It looks more like an actual house rather than the walled little trio of huts that appear to be their actual population buildings or
Techs: They'll have big buttons but so far I've only seen the Stronghold big button. No idea what it does. Looks pretty cool though.
They'll clearly get all the resources so they won't be like the Iroquois and Sioux who are receiving a change to their resources via fur trading. It's highly likely, that the Aymara will replace the Incas as a minor native ally. Although the Uru people would also be pretty cool as their artificial floating islands on Lake Titicaca could be the basis for some interesting water combat technologies (too bad their language is almost extinct, they mostly speak Aymara now anyway).
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from newest submissions : aoe3
We've seen Rage Quit before but how does ESO patch know what a Rage Quit is?
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submitted by /u/vindiansmiles [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe3
How viable is early archers at low Elo?
I'm around 1050 right now one thing that's made me not want to play too much is that I haven't been able to find a civ I want to play - going random instead sometimes gives me things I don't know how to use very well. I had some fun earlier playing as Vietnamese and I've beaten the Extreme AI a few times now with archer rushes.
Does anyone know if you need to go Drush->Archers these days or can you just go two range archers at low levels?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Gameweek 8 fixtures for The Civilization League are done. See what your favourite civilization will be going into battle against as well as their progress in the league. Links to the Guide to the Civilization League and Gameweek 7 results and standings can be found in the comments.
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submitted by /u/BethlehemTlangval [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Best counters for mass war wagons?
Playing as Japanese against Koreans. Both of us boomed and my opponent massed war wagons. I was able to mass enough trash to keep them at bay but couldn't push into their base. We essentially stalemated and I called gg. How can you counter war wagons in the late game?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
New age of mythology games
I used to play Age of Mythology a lot, but haven’t in a few years. Is the expansion with the Chinese units any good and are more expansions planned with other cultures like Aztec?
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from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
How do you defend against a rush? Knight/Archers/scouts?
I play with my cousins and we want to beat 4 Extreme AIs before we move on to playing against people online - I've seen people like TheViper/SOTL wall up like crazy but is that the only way? The AI brings in 20+ archers and Skirms (and all of us are attacked at once) and even if we train enough military to match that, it smashes its way through and before you know it, it's rams and mangonels and done. You have to resign!
Really want to understand, and may be get some tips on how to defend?
Hopefully this will help some other new players too!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
AOE2 seens so confusing
Hey guys, i play AO3 for a long time, but only touched AOE2 in the early 00's, so i tried to play nowadays and it seens so confusing, the interface confuses me to the point i dont even know where to create a villager, idk if i'm dumb or i'm so used to AOE3
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
Import town center from AOE III
Do you guy think AOE III DE allows players to import town center level from AOE III ?? I have 3 town center around lvl 100-105 and it is frustrating if I have to play a lot of match to get to that level again in the DE version. Also do you think there will be some changes in the card system ???
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from newest submissions : aoe3
I reached 2nd lieutenant for first time!
I've had the game since 2010 but have only played 5 years since. But I've been in MS limbo for a thousand games.
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from newest submissions : aoe3
The Malay Stampede - 20 Elephants in 20 Minutes | HumzaCrumza
Since the T90 spotlight video on this strat gained traction, I thought I'd give some exposure to the source. He has a bunch of cool other strat vids, so check it out!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Boom! Big reveal: I turned myself into a Pickled Emperor! I'm Pickle Heiliges Römisches REIIIIICH!!!
When you kill a Konnik for the first time:
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submitted by /u/Imperialcloak [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Scenarios made from DE compatible with others?
Hey, just wondering if I make a scenario/map with definitive edition, would I be able to play it on something like forgotten empires?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Advice Needed - How to Budapest..?
I played a game on Budapest yesterday for the first time. I saw the map preview on the game found screen and saw there was closed water and thought - 'sweet, I can practice my hybrid build orders'. Queued up villagers, built 2 houses and notice I have 3 idles.. And another scout. AND ANOTHER TC. Thankfully at 1700 TG ELO, this is not a GG moment, and I barely scraped by. I had a ton of idle TC time, got housed so badly a few times in Dark Age that I dedicated a villager to houses from Feudal, messy eco balance, forgot I had 2 TCs while going to next age, did not take fish.. You get the picture.
We still lost that game as I wasn't focused and ended up adding 3 TCs in Castle Age for a total of 5, which was an overkill. I was never on top of my eco, because I honestly didn't know where my golds/stones were. I knew I was gathering them but didn't get around rebalancing my eco at all as I was helping my flank defend from a trush. The result was, I was floating too many resources, and didn't mass army/tech switch on time.
I still enjoyed the map, which was a refreshing break from Arabia/Arena/Lombardia. Looking for guidance for villager allocation in Dark Age for a FC build. Any other tips would also be very helpful.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Will light infantry be placed behind heavy infantry?
One of my gripes moving from original AoE3 to Asian Dynasties are that ranged units are always mixed together. I remember originally musketeers would be placed in front of lighter ranged units like longbows and skirmishers. Just made fighting cavalry a bit easier.
Will this change in DE?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Localization bug ?
AI priorities
Does this track exist in the soundtrack?
Please pardon the odd title. Does anyone remember the DS "version" of aok? It's ok if you don't, my question's not too focused on that. Each of the 5 civs in that game had like a short looping soundtrack that would play when it was their turn, the DS "version" being a turn-based strategy rather than an RTS. My question is if anyone knows if those BGMs were original compositions, or if they were adapted from something from the original PC game?
The BGMs in question:
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from newest submissions : aoe2
For DE the developers worked with Tribal Consultants.
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Apparently, the AOE3DE team has been working closely with Tribal Consultants to have more accurate portrayals of American Indians and First Nations People. I think this is AWESOME! I love any added authenticity to the game. PLUS+ this means we can expect more changes to the Native Civs than we might have previously thought. [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe3
Changes in Revolution system for DE?
With the announcement of some changes on the native american civs, I was wondering if a change on revolutions would be good. I don't know if I'm too much of a noob, but I see absolutely no reason for a player to initiate revolution at all. Maybe if you could train vils after, idk, it's just pure suicide, no economy, no game at all.
Which changes would make it more playable? Or, is it fine as it is?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Why is Dave such an asshole?
Why is T90Official still friends with Dave?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Keeping the meme alive
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submitted by /u/AsparagusFrequent [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Redbull Lierrey-Viper game 3 demo clip
Did anyone get their hands on the clip of Viper's masterpiece that won the game? I haven't had any luck so far.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Another 3 hour session...
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submitted by /u/Systemlord_FlaUsh [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
You should be able to fire through walls, but your opponents can't
I think they should implement a one way shooting through walls. It would he equal to having troops on top of the wall.
Walls should be more than just blocking opponents, but give you an offensive advantage by allowing your troops to shoot through them.
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Are they bringing these guys back?!
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submitted by /u/PresidentClash [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe3
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submitted by /u/justanotheraztecmonk [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Turbo random map in AOE2 Definitive Edition
How do I enable Turbo Random Map mode? I can't seem to find it.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Can we turn off the new UI for the minimap in the bottom left?
The developers seem to be making the new UI be in line with other AoE series. So the minimap is in the bottom right in the new UI. But as a person who has enjoyed RTSs like Starcraft2, Warcraft3, Company of Heroes series, and above all, the original AoE3, I prefer the minimap to be in the bottom left. What do you guys think? I don't think I can easily adapt to the minimap in the bottom right corner.
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Do we have a problem?
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submitted by /u/AsparagusFrequent [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe3
Stuck in 11xx
I know how to make the double archery build order perfectly until castle age, i often end up with good amount of archers but even though they make scouts or some army my oponets always seem to get to Castle faster than me, then they mass kt and push very hard. Should i try different build orders? Be more aggressive? What am i doing wrong?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Having loads of connection issues in ranked matchmaking. Who is to blame?
Hey guys, first post over here.
I only recently started playing ranked and I'm having lots of connection issues. I've got FTTH and everything works flawlessly except for Age of Empires. Any leads? My friends are getting tired of me cursing over Discord.
How the heck do I fix this? Do I need to tracert and see where this fails? Get a good proxy? What the hell is going on. I'm fucking furious, this is the only game where it happens. Don't they have enough resources, isn't this hosted on Azure? This is the only game where I'm having issues.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Help understanding the math of fast castle
Is there a breakdown of why fast castle villager amounts are what they are?
Fast Fuedal on land seems like a pretty standard food opening to maintain constant villager production and put 3-4 villager on wood for more houses and second dark age building, and putting everything else on the fasting food possible, and clicking up at 500 food after loom
But fast casting involves buffering wood and food in ways that are not obvious to me.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Celts civ bonus
When you're getting rushed and pocket had no barracks yet
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submitted by /u/soggyblotter [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Anyone playing DE on Macbook Pro 2015? Performance tips?
I recently connected my MacBook Pro 2015 (sadly poor builtin gfx card) over to my 4K monitor and installed Boot Camp (Windows) on it.
Even on low resolutions and at lowest graphics settings, I get something like 20-24 FPS. Do you think there’s anything I can do without plugging in external GPUs?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
How to add terrain in a specific location in RMS scripting in DE
I like the map snakepit but I don't like how the opposite team can raid you in the lake. I would like to stop this by adding a forest that cuts in the lake in two as evenly as possible. I am experienced with age of mythology RMS but not aoe2 RMS.
The problem I am having is that create create_terrain doesn't allow me to choose the location of the terrain to be in the center of the lake. My current solution is to add a forest in the lake without specifying the location but it often doesn't divide the lake evenly. I know that if I use create_land I can control the location of the area but when I add this to the RMS script it completely messes up the map (the lake disappears, the players are in completely random places, and the forests don't show on the mini-map). I think that this is because Snake pit is a special map which doesn't allow for land generation
Please tell me if there is a way that I can add the forest in a specific location without messing the structure of the snake pit map.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
You should be able to vote for a draw
I keep having games which go to a stalemate. We're both just producing mass halbs and skirms, sniping each others trebs, the markets are topped, and no one is making any ground either way. These trash wars are so boring and sometimes it just comes down to whoever runs out of wood first.
When it's been an hour and a half, and you're still in the middle of a trash war, you should be able to call a vote with the other player and mutually agree to a tie.
I know most people will say I should just learn to change strategy and win the trash war, but if both players agree to call a draw, then I don't see the problem with it.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Pause etiquette
Hi Reddit,
What is generally considered good pause etiquette? In the game I played just now, my opponent paused in mid-castle age and didn't say anything (not even a number taunt). After a while of still being paused, I sent a message, and got no response. How long is "good etiquette" to wait, with no message or reason for pausing? I know I have the ability to unpause on him, but I don't wanna do that in case there is some real life emergency going on. However he was keeping me waiting suspensefully for a long time.
Eventually, after about 15-20 minutes (not sure exactly how long) he just unpaused the game - again, no messages or taunts.
I don't wanna be the kind of guy who denies pauses everywhere, (leaves me feeling annoyed if I'm not allowed to pause the game for 10 seconds...), but I also don't want to be waiting 'in the dark' for an opponent who I didn't even know if s/he had any intention of coming back (I was ahead in the game).
Thanks in advance for reading and commenting :)
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Llama’s Chaos Cup Announcement
Hi everybody! I will be hosting the first Llama’s Chaos Cup for players below 1700 elo! Signups are open now, just head over to the Llama Land Discord!
LCC is all about adapting to what you’re given. All maps are either incredibly random or fiercely chaotic, and all civs will be full random! No such thing as Meta here! See you in Llama Land!
Depending on interest we may split into different elo brackets, each with its own prize pool. Again that depends on interest so come sign up!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
What are some loopholes I can exploit from the original Age of Kings?
I've been playing a lot of original Age of Kings with friends recently, what are some unethical advantages I could use, such as OP units, or strategies which are non longer usable, but would work in the original AoE 2?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
What new home city shipments do you want in DE?
I'd love to see more cards that did 2 different small things. Some ideas:
- Colonial "2 house wagons + 300 food"
- Colonial "1 settler + all settlers walk 20% faster"
- Fortress "1 falconet + 4 musketeers"
What are your thoughts?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Where is the user patch for DE?
Can we bug the devs to adopt a user patch for DE so i can meme in diplo games? Official adoption would also open up so many more opportunities for events and breathe more life into multiplayer.
Wololo for user patch
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Are there any good info/strats/guides for slinging?
Some friends and I have picked up AoE2 DE and are basically a bunch of old guys derping around playing team random map (3v3/4v4) for fun. We've been experimenting with a bunch of different strats/combos, trying to find cool things to do. Recently had our first encounter of an enemy team in 3v3 that was slinging a single player for an insane early imp push and it seemed hilarious/strong.
So I was wondering if anyone has any resources to give into about slinging, timings, specific strats, replays or anything else. Huge please and thank you!
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Why do Cumans lack the Heavy Camel upgrade?
I'm not sure I understand why Heavy Camels are not available to them. Is it just for gimmick reasons? Is there a balance reason?
I can't really see a balance reason for why Heavy Camels aren't allowed for them. 5% extra speed over other Heavy Camels with Husbandry isn't that broken, and there are other civs with both FU Halbs and FU Camels (i.e. Chinese).
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from newest submissions : aoe2
5 Builds simplified graph
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Hello there! I´m new in this forum... I´ve been trying to learn the builds for aoe2, but I´ve been having problems retaining what I´ve learned. That´s why I took some build orders and simpified them in order to make them easy to remember. The buid orders are not 100% accurate to what I´ve found, but I tried to cut just minimum differences. The criteria I used is to cut differences of +- 1 villager, but not things that seemed important to me or that were higher in numbers. That way I could find more patterns in common. The objective is to teach something similar, so that then you can make a deeper learning, it´s not meant to be the definitive build orders. This is how I could make it work with 5 builds into one graph. If you have corrections, they are welcome. I´m just starting, so enjoy the graph and tell me what could be changed. Bye PD: I used cicero´s build orders, credit to him [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Help a low elo player improve their castle age game
Hey DE fans,
I used to play a bunch of AOE2 in high school / college and am loving the rejuvenation of the community thanks to DE!
I mainly play infantry civs. I do play 1v1, but have mostly been playing 3v3 or 4v4 ranked with friends. We used to get our butt kicked on Arena / Black Forest, but realized that our strength is in rushing and early fights, that’s why our new favorite maps are Oasis / Yucatán etc.
I generally play civs like Bulgarians (free Militia line upgrades, OP imperial age Konniks), Goths (cheap infantry, spam spam spam), Japanese (Fast infantry and Samurai). I still need to try Aztecs and Vikings.
My gameplay is pretty standard. 21 vill feudal, make 5 Militia, upgrade to MAA, get both Blacksmith techs. Attack and harass. Sometimes I die to archers, sometimes I kill vills, depends.
Then I go castle with 27 vills. Then I hit my main problem. Once I’m in castle, I’m not sure what to do. Just make 5 knights and rush? That seems like the best option. However, a lot of times the opponent masses archers or has many more knights. Either of these easily break through my palisade walls and it’s gg.
I could make castle units but by the time I make 5-10 new vills, get the stone etc, I’m already attacked. And if I make more vills, then I don’t have resources to make 20-30 army units.
Should I do scout rush in feudal instead?
Should I just make 10 Longswords and 10 skirms to play safe?
Most of the time I wind up making pikes (since I’m in castle and don’t have tons of RSS), become the defacto meatshield while my allies mop everyone else up.
I’m trying to figure out what to do as soon as I hit castle, especially with respect to the army composition.
Thanks for the help! Wololo.
P.S. I’m still perfecting my build order. I’m sometimes 2ish villagers behind others, mainly because I keep forgetting to load up the TCs with new vills. I wish there was an Idle TC mod like the Idle Vill mod :).
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from newest submissions : aoe2
More info behind Gamestar paywall
As they did for AoE4, German game magazine Gamestar had an exclusive interview with the developers of AoE3:DE. It's in German and behind a paywall.
In the freely accessible part there is a head line stating that home cities will be fully unlocked, a screenshot showing the new UI and a wider zoom level.
Could anybody with full access give a summary of further changes which might be discussed in the remainder of the article?,3361348.html
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Is there a way to lower Initial Resource of trees, mines and others in a Random Map Script ?
I recently entered in the world of map making with RMS. I am trying to recreate the Map "Wood Nothing from AoE 2. So far, it's nearly done, but by testing it, we found the game way too long. With no way to clears more trees other than chopping them, it takes hours for our settlers to create a path to other players.
I want to solve this problems by speeding the cutting process. I was wondering if any of you know if it's possible to reduce the Initial Resources of trees and other. Or if you have better Ideas, I'm open to them.
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Multiplayer, Home Cities, Leveling...
Has Microsoft said anything about having to level your home cities? I find this to be more of an annoyance than a feature. Maybe it is interesting in a campaign, but it is totally unnecessary and frustrating for multiplayer. Also, is Matchmaking coming?
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Nerf Towers
nErF tOwErS. Ok hear me out. I've played hundreds of games now and the only time towers are used is for those lulzy tower rush strat. One anti-fun strategy is not worth it.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
To what point am I supposed to commit so Feudal/Castle Army ?
For me the question is more important for the transition from Feudal to Castle, because in Castle you still have some reasonable ways in defending yourself, whereas Feudal army really doesn't stand a chance against Castle army.
Anyway, let's say that I am in Feudal Age, reasonably walled so my enemy can't really surprise attack me, and I see that he has some army, how am I supposed to react ? Do just a little bit of army and barely resist his attack, so that I can click castle faster than him, or invest a lot and crush him in Feudal ? To me it seems that the first one to castle will be the one to win on the long run, so I always try to have a really strong eco while getting my army killed, but I might be wrong. What do you think about that ? The same applies in Castle age, where sometimes basically the first one to get a treb out will have a huge advantage, so I was wondering how you guys make your decisions.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Would you like some garbage?
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submitted by /u/MidwestCoastalBand [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Mayan/Meso mirror advice?
Hello, relatively new to the game and trying to learn new strats. I was thinking that Mirror option would let me do it better, and it seemed fine until I ended up playing 2 Mayan mirrors in ranked. They, simply put, were hell on earth, as I've had no idea what to do compared against other civs where archer and knight rushes are prevalent and you have an idea how to prepare and execute them. But with Mayans? I have no idea what to do as it seems really hard to rush your opponent even if they aren't walled. Archers are expected and easily countered. Eagle warriors can set you behind. Maybe militia/maa rush is viable, but they would not be so great against archers, too. So how would you play them, then?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 23
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submitted by /u/Jerarddude [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology
How to succeed with Sioux at sea?
I don't really play Sioux, mainly because of a particular experience years ago back when my brother and I played LAN games with each other. More specifically, I was playing Sioux and my brother was playing... some European faction, I forget which one. Islands map, I was on the offensive, tried landing on his island, got wrecked by frigates. Tried destroying Frigates, military canoes likewise wrecked. If memory serves correct, he either counter-attacked and wrecked me or I resigned out of frustration. Have yet to delve into Sioux since because of (admittedly faulty) logic of "Sioux suck on water, therefore Sioux are inviable in general."
I want to break out of this long-standing hang-up. What can a Sioux player do to survive an islands scenario against a more powerful navy? (Assuming there is an answer beyond "bad matchup; avoid")
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from newest submissions : aoe3
Just played against a Khmer tower rush on Black Forest. Game was going alright but somehow they were able to tower rush and still boom into a Elephant mass.
Something about that doesn't seem right. I thought tower rushes were balanced around the enemy sacrificing eco for a big all in push. They shouldn't be able to boom into a Ele mass after doing that.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Dark Age Victory.
That is not easy to do. Just beat the bot whilst still in the dark age. Hard difficulty. That was not easy at all. Trying to kill his vil’s and buildings with nothing but militia, wow, takes them a while to take down even a house.
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from newest submissions : aoe2
What settings did you immediately change when you switched from HD to DE?
I've just bought DE, I've already changed most hotkeys, but I may have missed a few. Also, is there no hotkey for jumping to your previous screen? I'm pretty tired an a bit drunk, so it's possible I missed it. Also, what are the most important things to know for someone who played AOE2 HD for 700 hours?
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from newest submissions : aoe2
This is a really cool play from an old match. I found this a few years ago, and I have to say that it was this play rekindled my excitement for this game. (Link at 18:40)
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submitted by /u/WittyAndOriginal [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
I’m mad hype!
I’m sooo hype for age of empire 3 HD version with Sweden and see how they are in the game plus with Inca that looks like aztecs oh boy I can’t wait! And why am I this excited? Is because it’s the only game my pc can handle and it’s the only game I usually play on the pc so I can’t flipping wait! Eeeeeek this also means more people will play so online is back? Anyways I’m mad hype and let’s go!
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
Age of Mythology: Definitive Edition
It's great to see AOE 3 getting its own Definitive Edition. I hope Age of Mythology gets the same treatment someday.
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from newest submissions : ageofempires
THE HIP IS REAL! The new graphics the new civs!! I'm definitely feeling it all but.... will we have balance?
I'm thrilled most of all for multi-player. Yes they added a lil bit of everything for each group of players and I'm sure I'll enjoy some of the stuff like the next guy. But more than anything will we have balance? Or will these 2 new civ replace the TAD lames and Microsoft call it a day while the community partisan into fan patches? I hope they are dedicated long enough to balance of gameplay which I understand is tough since it takes time and ppl trying to exploit builds and units and competing etc etc to figure out what needs fixing.
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from newest submissions : aoe3
I’m mad hype!
Yooooo age of empire 3 HD version? Dam I’m fucken hype! It’s the only game I play on the pc since that’s the only game my pc can handle 😂😂😂 but I hope that it brings people back! Also inca kinda remind me of aztecs for some reason and I’m hype how Sweden going to be! Anyways I’m just mad hype now it’s getting the attention and that means? ONLINE IS BACK UP HELL YEAH!
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from newest submissions : aoe3
There is no reason double clicking villagers should exist
When is it ever a good idea to double click your vils?? Never. It would be a huge QoL improvement if the devs made it so that you could not double click your vils
No one has ever double clicked their vils and then clicked something else and said "that was a good idea"
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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from newest submissions : aoe2
Had a productive evening with friends
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Science happened [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
Today is the day, that we all have been waiting for!
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from newest submissions : aoe3
MJ's great great great grandfather showing off his skills in the mother land
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submitted by /u/AsparagusFrequent [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe3
UPDATE: Had him on the ropes twice, still lost. How to deal the final blow with Mayans?
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A follow up on this post: Had many great tips and help from fellow redditors! Thanks a lot! Started practicing the build orders from Cicero and adding more vills/siege when playing more aggressive. Took some time to getting used to and lost several matches. But as of yesterday I felt it finally clicked and even had a +7 winstreak! When I try to push in feudal age, the minute I enter Castle Age I add in siege, create more vills, and really try to K.O. the opponent. (not only with Mayans, but also Celts) Resulted in several <40 minute wins. There is still room for massive improvement of course, but there is serious improvement since then. Thanks a lot for all the help! [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : aoe2
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