How did you learn AoM?

I've played AoE 2 with some friends to learn, but I feel like this community is a lot smaller and my friends don't want to play AoM. So I wanted to know how other people learned how to play so I don't disappoint my opponents by being a total scrub :p

submitted by /u/Kersakof
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How to play custom scenarios (made on the HD version) on voobly?

Title. I have Wololokingdom installed and it is working perfectly. I made a few maps on the HD steam version so I could play those with friends and since voobly feels smoother to play on, we want to those maps there, but they simply do not show up as 'scenario', does WK not support .aoe2scenario ? And if not, is there another way to play those maps on voobly? I put them in almost every scenario map I could find and the only map showing up is something like -Salt -. Cxs Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Salmonbunny
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Age of Empires - Wololo Quartet (Cat In The Box Studios)

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The Trebuchet Challenge | Space Time

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very angry frog age of empires edition

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Borked SP AI. Acropolis = simple walloff breaks AI.

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Hey! I need you >>:)

Hey Folks.

My name is Swann.

Passionated about eSport since i'm 10yo, i'm trying to develop something that would be good for us, gamers of all horizons.

I never played AOE II (HD, Conq,...) competitively and I want to implement this game into my project. I need your expertise on these Qs:

- Can you host a game yourself and make a custom game with the player.s you want ? If so, how does it work ? 

i.e. In Hearthstone, you can host a game by inviting a player that has to be in your "Friendlist" (such as USER#XXXX), and then when both players are ready by clicking the "ready" button, the 1vs.1 is starting, and finish when one player wins on the other. (sry if you never played Hearthstone, but I hope you get the point)

- Can you cheat in-game ? If so, tell me more, how does it affect your everyday experience ? How does the devs fight against these basterds ? Is it getting better, or worst nowadays ? - If you play a game, how would you prove you won: is a screenshot enough (state of Victory, time/date, visible pseudos) ? If a screenshot isn't enough, how would you prove it ? - Do you think a bad intentioned opponent could easily cheat his way to claim a Victory ? How ? 

Thank you. I will try to answer you as much as I can. Feel free to express your knowledge and your thoughts, they are highly appreciated.

If you want to know more about my project, and give your opinion this time, you can always check my survey (and when you go there, make sure to understand my project is much more bigger than it looks by the Qs).

All these Qs above are not related to the following survey. Here I need your expertise, and on the survey your opinion: the survey is a bit old though (it already got enough answers) and these Qs are much in need of answers right now :)

Thank you mate. If you want to keep in touch, you can always MP me. TC, Swann

submitted by /u/Swann1989
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Balance update suggestions

Last year a few OAM modders sent a massive list of requests to Microsoft and Forgatten Empires, however they didn't make any changes on the game. This list contains more changes than the whole changelog after Titans 1.03:

Probably FE don't want to change the game so much and the new definitive editions are more important for them. They haven't energy to fix everything. On other hand these balance changes are very controversial, the mod based on them get only 3 stars:

So I could recommend to request a new patch from FE with only bug fixes and a few balance changes, like they did in patch 2.4:

This is my example:

_Bug fixes with effects on balance_ Odin's regeneration rate bonus is increased. Gaia lush's maximum range is increased. Immortal is valid Frost god power target. Tusk of Iron Boar relic no longer effects Mounted archer twice. Uproot GP doesn't give permanent LOS, but effects more buildings: Manor, Economic Guilt, Armory, Market, Garden, Citadel, Lighthouse, Sky Passage, drop sites. TC under construction is effected by Tornado, Earthquake and Great Flood. Tusk of Iron Boar relic effects Contarius hero. Engineers tech gives +2 range to Onager, Sitting tiger. Unfinished Isis momentums are no longer protect against god powers. _Balance changes_ Rheia's gift tech is cheaper and/or more effective (support the weaker atlantean major gods: Gaia, Kronos and the less popular minor god: Rheia). Chienese monk nerf: convert units slower - human units +50% conversion time, myth units +10% conversion time Fire Lance nerf: price: + 10 gold, +10 wood, training time +3s. Shennong's monk compensation: it can convert airborne units. (Monks and Fire Lances are more important for Shennong). Golden Apples tech is researchable in temple (support the weaker greek major gods: Hades and Poseidon and the less popular minor god Aphrodite). Other bug fixes: Some SIMPLE feature requests:

Do you like this plan?

submitted by /u/dawn505
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Anyone successful running AoE DE under VMWare or Parallels?

I'm a long time fan of AoE. I can't even count the number of hours I burned playing it back when the original came out. Of course I immediately bought the DE when it came out and tried to play it. Unfortunately all my normal use computers are Macs. They all have discrete graphics cards and specs more than sufficient for the game, however I've not yet found a VM resource configuration capable of running the game in a way that would be considered playable. I travel a lot so I'd like to get it working on my 2017 15" Macbook Pro without having to resort to Bootcamp (bag of hurt currently) and I don't want to carry a second computer with me for the game.

Anyone had luck under VMware or Parallels? (I own both.)

submitted by /u/cgreentx
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Help us! Three friends cant win a game.

We play black forest, map explored on high resources. <1600

Our normal civs are: Britons Aztec Tuetons

What are some tips you can offer us?

submitted by /u/HighEnlightenment
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Looking for useful mods


I'm a new player and I'd like to know what mods you are using. I only use pussywoods and grid and I found them to be very useful. Are there any other mods you suggest using?

submitted by /u/IceDc
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Using unactivated windows and AoE

Not sure is this appropriate topic considering piracy and Windows, but objectively speaking; could this be one reason why the game is crashing?

submitted by /u/laststoolonearth
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Anyone likes Regicide better than... say... Random Map or something like that?

I certainly do since I feel like it makes sense in context of the game.

Also, I don’t have to build a Castle since I get it right at the start of the game. :D

submitted by /u/Block-Busted
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Mayans vs Persians

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LFM people to practice with

  • 1v1 arabia only
  • around 1400-1700 on HD, no Voobly
  • be able to play atleast one bo3 a day
  • yes, i know i can search people ingame
  • goal is to improve together/ get used to more Civs/maybe even create a team etc
  • be mature - dont insult or anything of that nature

if ur looking for something like this aswell, lemme know ;)

submitted by /u/OJRyuzaki
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New aoe 2 mods from definitive edition

Is it possible ? And is there any modder here making one ? I do not know a good method to find about a new visual mod being published , because voobly mods are sorted in a list by popularity

submitted by /u/masasa27
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About the ongoing gun debate (partly stolen from r/memeeconomy)

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I'm gathering people who can test custom scenario in HD

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What can launch a 150 kg stone projectile at 250 km/h?

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Age of Mythology 2.6 quastionare

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New Patch when?

See Title. Im curious when the next Patch is coming, because I see a lot of things that could be optimized like stability of a multiplayer game, AI fixing in Campaign or making it stronger in custom games. Will be ladder available some day? Any information?

submitted by /u/Silvergnom02
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Tech switching into champions to counter Halb+(Siege) Onager: Is it Legit?!

In response to several recent posts I wanna dig deeper into the struggle some civs experience against (siege)Onager+halb compositions.

I brought forward the problem of the incas which have trouble dealing with onagers that are protected by champions or other strong infantery units, since the only mobile unit (Eagle Warrior) gets melted by champions and adding their own siege can be expensive.

I also read how chinese have trouble dealing with Onager+halbs, because of their weak cavalry - which is countered by the halbs - and their lack of ranged siege (no bbc, no Siege Engineers)

both these civs have a similar army composition of slow archers (chuks and slingers) and siege rams, and their quick units being either too weak, or too costly to trade against enemy halbs.

I guess the following civs all would experience the same problem, due to lack of good ranged siege (no BBC, no SE, no Siege onager) and weak or very costly mobile units to take down halbs+onagers (unupgraded scout line, anything <paladin or not fully upgraded cav, no quick infantery units)

  • incas
  • chinese
  • mayans
  • vikings (they do have Siege Engineers and berserks would do well)
  • japanese (they do have Siege engineers and samurai is a good option)
  • italians (they do have BBC)
  • Byzantines (they do have BBC)
  • goths (they do have BBC)

(any civs I forgot?)

Now someone mentioned it is possible for many of these civs to switch into the swordman line (champion), which would counter the halbs and potentially swarm enemy (siege) onagers. I have seen enough big badabooms to realise onagers can do heavy damage to infantery but in general it seems that champions is a decent choice against onagers+halbs.

Is it ever worth investing all these resources and time into the swordman line when facing a strong halbs+(siege)onager composition?

submitted by /u/HenkDeSuperNerd
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[AoE DE] Campaign! How has it aged? EP1

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Problem with Relay-network

Hey, me and my friends started to play Aoe2 HD. We are all playing in the same room and using the wifi of our college. When joining the lobby all of us have an [R] ping and we get the message: "Traffic between you and ... is being routed through a relay network. This is most likely because you have not configured your NAT to forward Steam P2P port traffic." Probably the ports are blocked by the college. Since all of us are in the same wifi: Shouldnt it possible for us to let our PCs communicate through it like playing in the same lan network? If this is not possible: Could we use a hub/switch and play in an offline network?

submitted by /u/digag325
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How to keybind correctly?

So I can't really follow a profile because there's always a conflicting bind.

If I make go to military buildings 1 key; like zxce or something, that means I have to change a number of binds that will conflict.

Problem is, I'm not sure exactly which binds contradict one another. If someone can tell me all the binds that conflict with go to commands, that'd be great (like villager building binds, stances, etc.)

I need to know what conflicts in order to bind properly. I know if I change to zxc or asdfg, that means I'll have to change all my military stance binds, unit production binds, to NOT be any of those keys. At the same time, I wouldn't even know if something like military production binds would conflict really, or even some commands to control units; like packing, etc.

Reason I'm really trying to figure this out, is because everyone tells me I need to have go to military binds to a single key and not ctrl+xyz

I'm already used to the hd default keys for building, like s+q for a barracks. I know changing go-tos to a single key will make me have to change those villager build binds, which is quite annoying, but I'm willing to get used to.

I just need to know how to go about doing this, without any complications.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/Dragonprotocol
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Age of Empires Definitive Edition: Full Review of All Features

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Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish

Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish

submitted by /u/KrebFishFishFishFish
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Offering reddit gold for someone who can find a particular Viper VOD from his twitch history

In Viper's first 24h stream from many months ago, he did a challenge (my challenge) where he did a 1v1 vs an HD 2k without taking his boar, deer, or starting gold. If you can find a link to it and the timestamp at where the match begins, reddit gold is yours. First person to find it wins.

(I'm just too lazy to do it myself.)

submitted by /u/aerovistae
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How active is AOE DD Multiplayer?

How many players are online at any given time?

Are there rankings and stats like on

submitted by /u/Shadowban89
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Anyone desyncing every game on HD?

Literally every game I've had tonight(About 5) have desynced with a leaver about 5-20 mins in.

What's going on?

submitted by /u/RightNowImReady
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Voobly has unconventional way of changing binds?

So I'm pretty new still, to AoE2. I installed voobly but hate the AoC defaults, as I'm already used to the hd ones.

Problem is, voobly won't let me change certain keys, because it will automatically unassign the other.

Example: I can't make build a house to Q as well as barracks to Q. It will unassign the first one.

This DOES NOT happen in the hd game under the SAME EXACT BINDINGS MENU.

Remind me again, why do people use this piece of garbage software?

submitted by /u/Dragonprotocol
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Any MS/AoE Employees here? We need more players!

We need the playerbase to grow. I know it's hard when it's strictly for Win10, but was this just a game to release to show you guys still think about AoE or was it something you were actually passionate about and wanted to bring to everyone? Kinda feel like the ball was dropped. Really hard to get into games with players with low enough latency. I'm in NA, and it's tough.

submitted by /u/masoe
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When to use stop and no attack?

These two commands are less used in army micro, but I found they are critical in some cases. My main use of stop is to interrupt trebuchet unpacking when fleeting, and placement of xbows on to the farm. You may move xbows across farms and then stop, otherwise the xbows will attack farms if you click them directly. For no attack, it is important to set it on your secret onagers for wood digging in black forest, otherwise they will auto attack enemy walls and get busted 11.

Do you have other uses for these two commands?

submitted by /u/killedbyboar
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Masters of AI 2 started up this week. Games to be cast on the aiscripters channel.

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What if Outposts cost 50 Wood, but no Stone, and took longer to build?

Outposts are not seen all too often because no one likes spending Stone on them. Even if they were to cost 1 Stone, that'd still be too much because it'd stop you from putting down 2 TCs without mining any Stone. Add on that players often use Houses instead of Outposts for LoS purposes and it's sometimes hard to justify making them except in a Deathmatch.

Now imagine that they were changed to cost 50 Wood, no Stone, and took longer to build. Would that be a good change?

Personally, I think it'd be a very good change, letting you more freely use them without making them spammable. The higher Wood cost would hinder you if you don't adjust your economy properly, and the increased build time would also hurt you economically by forcing a Villager(s) to spend less time gathering. As such, in high-tier play, you probably still wouldn't spam them, as that economic hit could come back to bite you. But in exchange, you'd be able to build Outposts without worrying about Stone costs.

submitted by /u/darkdill
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Best/Worst Civ's Discussion?

In your opinion what's the strongest and weakest civ?

For me:

Yamato I think is pretty great because of lower costing calvary and faster villies.

submitted by /u/zas11s
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Civilizations that are pathetically weak in the early game?

Okay... I know that all civilizations start as weak in the early game, but which ones are truly pathetic in that regard?

submitted by /u/Block-Busted
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LFM people to practice with

  • 1v1 arabia only
  • around 1400-1700 Rating
  • be able to play atleast one bo3 a day
  • we play on HD, no voobly
  • goal is to improve together/ get used to more Civs/maybe even create a team etc
  • be mature - dont insult or anything of that nature

if ur looking for something like this aswell, lemme know ;)

submitted by /u/OJRyuzaki
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What's the deal with all the problems?

So 70% of the Windows Store and 60% of the Amazon (UK) reviews are all 1 star reviews saying that the game won't start after purchasing.

All describe similar problems that the game would not download, would not start or would not start again after the first time but rather redirect them to purchasing the game again.

However a short search on the internet doesn't seem that there are any major news covering this issue.

I have hard time believing that all of these reviews are simply trolls bored out of their mind since they don't claim the game sucks but rather that the game doesn't work.

Is there any truth to this?

submitted by /u/ObviouslyTriggered
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Can't Create an ESO Account

I bought AoE3 awhile back on Steam, but never played the online. When trying to create an ESO account I keep getting error 101 saying there is already an account. I went to the community website and it gave me an account name that was already attached, but it's not mine. Does anybody know how to fix this?

submitted by /u/Neiryat
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I don't remember the original age of empires being so hard!!

I'm seriously getting wrecked on moderate/standard difficulty. Wtf. Was it always hard or has it just been to long. Before people say I suck I play age of empires 2, 3, and age of mythology on hardest difficulty and titan. Do you think it's because I jack the population way up? Wasn't the original on 50. Or 80.

submitted by /u/Wleasterly28
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Chinese Counter

Lately I've been playing with the chinese and my late game army usually consists on chuks, rams and light cav, this comp holds it's own against most armies but its prety inefective against siege onager + halbs due to the lack of bbc, SO and siege engineers, so i'd apreciate some advice on how to face SO civs as the chinese

submitted by /u/Don_Roscon
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Definitive Edition Campaign Review - Glory of Greece

Hi Everyone,

So after completing all campaigns in both Definitve Edition and the original game I wanted to share my thoughts on the changes that came with DE. As you may know, a lot of the missions have been changed or even replaced completely across all campaigns.

This review will focus on the changes to the map, objectives and starting positions rather than actual playthroughs unless these are drastically different too. I will also try to avoid discussing the AI as it may (hopefully) change, but as it stands - the AI will rush you with all its starting units and so surviving the first few minutes of any mission may be particularly challenging.

Naturally this will contain some spoilers, so... you have been warned.

Also many scenarios have been renamed - I added the original name in brackets where applicable.

Here goes:

1. Claiming Territory (Land Grab) - The back story has been changed and now focuses on Mycenae (the major Greek bronze age power) rather than Athens which came to prominence much later and to reflect this the AI player names have been changed to tribes inhabiting the Peloponnese and surrounding areas. There are no changes to the map, the players' starting positions or the objectives. The scenario itself still plays very much the same way and is quite challenging, especially for the first mission of a campaign.

2. Acropolis (Citadel) - Again, the map and objectives have not changed and the only differences are in the back story as it is now a conflict between Mycenae and Tiryns rather than Athens and Thebes. Pretty straightforward mission. Not much else to talk about.

3. The Conquest of Crete (I'll Be Back) - This was the fifth mission in the original game and is the first one to have undergone some major changes:

Just like in the original you start with a small force in the middle of the enemy base that is bound to get slaughtered within seconds, but the few cavalrymen you were supposed to escape with now start away from the fray and so it's virtually impossible to fail this mission at the start. The map is no longer divided into different sections by water, which takes away a lot of the careful planning you had to go through in the original mission, but the forests are still guarded by enemy towers and siege equipment.

Despite all this and the scenario hints advising you to proceed cautiously you can quite comfortably just run south down a pretty straight path to the gaia town which now also has a town centre and villagers which in my opinion takes away a lot of the challenge. Although I guess to compensate for this the other enemy players that were guarding the forests will now have towns of their own and will be creating new units and harassing you. The mission objective is still the same - destroy the temple and capture the artifact.

Overall while the reworked version may be more appealing to some I found it to be disappointing due to the excessive streamlining and as a result, the lack of anxiety as you have to proceed very carefully knowing that you won't be able to replace your lost units. As a sidenote though, the gaia town no longer has the immersion breaking East Asian architectural style so that's one positive for sure.

4. The Trojan War - The map layout is the same, but the city of Troy has been redone and it now looks far better. Your starting position is the same except you now have three heroes - Achilles, Ajax and Odysseus rather than "Hero 12".

Their survival is not essential, though it would make sense for Odysseus to have to survive the mission. There is one new objective - you will now also have to kill Paris as well as Hector. The yellow player has been given more importance - they now have a navy which will harass your coastline right from the start. Yellow also plays the role of the enemy heroes' bodyguard, but they have no buildings and so will not be able to replenish their troops. In the original they literally only had two towers on an island so it almost seems like there was some cut content there.

Overall I would give big thumbs up for this rework, but oh wait... there was no Trojan Horse!!! 0/10 won't play again.

5. Colonization of Ionia (Ionian Expansion) - This was the third mission in the original game (swapped with the Conquest of Crete) but this change certainly makes sense chronologically.

The map has been completely redone and now seems to resemble Attica and Euboea in the west corner of the map, Aegean islands in the middle and Anatolian coast in the east. You will now start in bronze age instead of tool age. The objectives have also been changed - instead of building a government centre inside the flagged area or capturing the 3 ruins you will now simply need to destroy the three enemy goverment centres. Ionia has been renamed to Luwians and Lydia to Aegean Pirates and they will now pose a real threat (in the original they just had a few towers on islands). The new player, Athens starts as your ally though they won't be of much use except for trade.

This is another positive change. You will now have to deal with two opponents instead of one for the extra challenge but to compensate for this your bronze age start will make fighting off the early raids easier... and I always appreciate maps that resemble real world locations.

6. The Siege of Athens - There are no changes to the map layout except the city of Athens which has been redone. It now has a big central hill with a temple on top so kudos for that. The yellow player that was your ally and trade partner in the original game has now been replaced by Spartan Navy, which means that you will not be safe on water either! To compensate for this, however the island in the east that you can flee to has quite a few gold deposits.

All players start in post-iron age and with how aggressive the AI now is, the start will be quite brutal. Objectives are still the same. This one is definitely more challenging than the original.

7. Xenophon's March - No changes to this one as far as I could tell, except that towards the end the orange player will now have a few ships that will attempt to sink the transport ship with artifact on board. Very good scenario with a very detailed map, not one that needed any remastering.

8. Alexander the Great (Wonder) - This scenario has been completely redone, the objectives have changed too. You will now also have to build your own wonder in a specified location as well as destroy the enemy wonder(s).

The map resembles real world stretching from Greece to Mesopotamia with you starting in East Thrace and a few villagers in Greece. The red player will have a wonder up right from the start just like in the original, but it won't be challenging at all to take it down... just like in the original. Still, this mission will take quite some time before you secure the location where you need to build your own wonder and the other AI players may attempt to build their own wonders too but this didn't happen in my playthrough mainly due to the AI's tendency to suicide their villagers and eventually starving of resources I suppose.

All in all I enjoyed this scenario - especially the map which is far more detailed. My only nitpick here would be that it should be a requirement for Alexander to survive... I'm sure we can all agree on that.

Overall, the changes brought by DE were largely vast improvements. The new maps are very detailed and the reworked towns (Athens and Troy) add a lot to immersion, especially seeing as in the original game they were far from impressive. The only change I did not appreciate was the Crete mission which in my opinion was made too easy. I would also make it essential for heroes to survive where applicable.

SCORE: 9/10

Feel free to discuss and agree or disagree. More campaign reviews will follow.

submitted by /u/Masteradi
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Mundo News in english (pilot)

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Thinking about purchasing Age of Empires 2 HD, what's your rate? (1-10)

I would like to know your opinion guys, is it worth it? Some people say it is really laggy and has some annoying bugs.

submitted by /u/ClassicGamer21
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Why do the bots hate me so much ?

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Don't forget to forward ports 3478 and 5222 (TCP and UDP)

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Didn't play AoE since over 10 years but bought it on the recent sale. Watched some youtube played some matches how do i git gud?

Hello everyone. As the title explained i recently picked up AoE2 including expansions as i used to play it back when it came out as a kid.

Currently i am back and playing mainly Black Forest and Arabia RM 3v3 and 4v4. My elo is hovering ~1600-1620 so not very far off the starting point (many games are decided by which teammate randomly dc's anyways or decided to roleplay lol).

So where do i start to improve? I've watched some civ overviews by "Spirit of the Law" on youtube to get a general feel on what each civ does. I used to play the Persians, Japanese and Teuts back then which is still like (teuts are painfully slow tho and only having scouts feelsbad). I checked out some new civs and the Slavs also seem very promising (i feel like i prefer strong special units).

I watched one or two older tutorials (~2-4 years old) on how to roughly set up my game (q vills, 2 houses, 7 on sheep, 3-5 on wood, 3 on berries, at some point 2 new vills lure boars to tc as sheep run out (so total of 9 on that). Then it gets a bit random but i usually send one to wall in black forest guarded by the scout and with loom. Sometimes i hunt deer if they are conviniently placed sometimes i send my hunting vills to build a mill and take the 3 bonus boars if well placed. Overall i aim to rank up to feudal with ~20-25 vills, 2 on gold 5-8 on wood and the rest on food.

I try to get to the castleage fast to drop another towncenter and get up to 40-50+ pop quickly and then build some units tho despite no truce most games i played so far didn't have heavy combat till late castleage unless i started a rush on arabia.

Lategame i usually struggle with siege stuff. Often enemies pick stuff like Turks with high range bombards guarded by cannoneers or spam onagers and i am not too sure on what to do except try to build my own. Also how many unit production buildings are sufficient for such a game roughly?

So where do i go from here? Do i focus a specific civ? Any recommendations on what to do? How do i get out of the starting elo bracket quickly?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Nami_makes_me_wet
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When I try to push deer

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So... why does Huns have Central Europian architectures?

Aren't they supposed to be originated from Asia? Is there any historical context behind this?

submitted by /u/Block-Busted
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Where is the best place to find tutorials?

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Issues with Voobly and the ALT Key

I recently downloaded Voobly and Wololokingdoms and imported my hotkeys from HD. I use the ALT key instead of Ctrl and this works fine for almost everything except for control groups.

In the hotkey menu my control groups are set to ALT+1, ALT+2 etc. however in game the ALT key does not work and I have to use Ctrl, even though in the hotkeys menu it shows that it is set to ALT. It does however work for everything else i.e. ALT+M takes me to my market, only control groups are an issue.

Has anyone else encountered this problem and are there any known fixes?

submitted by /u/Mankaur
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When someone talks about mideval weapons and you remember you play AOE.

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Diplo with neutral locked teams- what?! how. Hell on earth.

Western Europe diplo. Is there a map version out there that has locked teams neutral? Cause that was this map and thats never happened before. Spanish player could put up bombard towers for free unless i could micro each supremacy villager as Mongols before other towers got me.

Whats the deal? Why were teams neutral locked. Hows that possible.

submitted by /u/Jucarias
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battle of africa trailer - wakanda edition

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Multiplayer grayed out? Anyone else having this issue?

My buddy just bought the game and we're trying to get started and multiplayer is grayed out for him. It says he is not connected to xbox live even thouhg it shows his profile at the top of the menu and he is signed in on the xbox app. Anyone know a solution?

submitted by /u/WildPlants420
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Steppe Speed Design Request (Finally got around to it)

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Noob Question about Control Groups

Hey guys, new player here. I'm coming from SC2 where we Ctrl-Group our buildings for quick access. I know the same thing works here in AoE3, but is it common, or do most people use "Find Building" hotkeys instead?

submitted by /u/noodleslurper0630
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I ain't afraid of monks

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Masters of AI 2: Daedric vs Ulysses [group stage] - casted by Aleph

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Which civilizations get stronger in the late game?

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It's almost impossible to play AoE:DE on a 4K TV, due to the size of the in-game GUI/text

My PC's in the living room, connected to a 55" 4K TV. I enjoy couch gaming and even have a lapboard for my wireless keyboard and mouse.

I sit at a reasonable distance from the screen (about 9ft), and in 4K, it's almost impossible to read any of the in-game text or identify any of the elements of the GUI in AoE:DE.

I have no problems with my vision (I don't wear glasses or contacts), and can handle the menus okay. But, as soon as the matches actually start, I basically rely on my memories from 1997 (which isn't exactly easy, considering that was over 20 years ago).

It reminds me of the early years of the Xbox 360, when some games were impossible to play (or at least properly enjoy) due to their text/GUI/HUDs being too small. Only that time, it was because they were designed for HDTVs, and most people were still using CRTs.

I hope that this issue is fixed or that the devs at least give us the option to change the resolution in-game (something that should be a feature regardless of their decision regarding the size of all other elements).

submitted by /u/EeK09
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Is there a way to defeat Huns by playing any of the civilizations?

It seems that Huns has a reputation of being too strong and almost impossible to defeat. Can other 30 civilizations find ways to defeat Huns? If so, how?

submitted by /u/Block-Busted
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Klaus is a Gey Commie

My friend is a Avid aoe2 player and has a bot that spams our discord with posts from this sub. Just here to annoy him

submitted by /u/wiskeyranger
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Can we zoom out in the scenario editor ?

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AOM crashing on loading screen

Tried everything to fix, reinstall, repair, google isn't helping...

The game completely crashes/closes after 'building game interface' on the loading screen.

Please help :(

submitted by /u/helpmeplsaom
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Need help in Age of mythology : Extended Edition

I recently bought AOM since it was a big steam sale(7.99$).My friend bought it the very same day I bought it.We play 1v1 daily and he beats me every time.He plays Isis and i play Zeus.Every match goes the same:He advances age II,then I advance age II.After some time 2-3 minutes he attacks me and uses something called "The Serpent Plaque".I stand no chance , he BM's me,letting me rebuild my base...But my units stand absolute no chance against his.Can someone please teach me how to play this game because i really like it,but it gets frustrating not being able to win.

submitted by /u/PleasantSituation
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Hittite Campaign Second Mission

Is it just me or is this mission ridiculously hard? I'm trying to do it on standard difficulty but I keep getting overwhelmed by composite bowmen and priests really early on. Has anyone actually managed to complete it without cheats yet?

submitted by /u/TheFlyingFucktard
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Hardest too easy?

Im playing campaing (till now, greeks and Babilonia) and random maps and i find the hardest diificult very easy

is that work as intended or?

submitted by /u/DonnieCats
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No top left icon "send signal" on minimap ?

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Is there no working discord for AoE?

Looking for people to play with. I like long walks with my Chosen to your base :) I want to make lots of AoE friends!

submitted by /u/CallMeBigBobbyB
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Who is Casting MoA?

Has anyone been consistently casting the Masters of Arena tournament? Ive been watching Vipers games but he just wrecks everyone he plays so the interest level is low. I'd love to watch some of the other matches that have happened but its much better to watch with one of the 'pro' casters laying down some sick commentary.

submitted by /u/WhereAreMyDogs
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HD Edition Compatibility patch issue

So I downloaded and installed the compatibility patch so that I can play on Voobly. However, when I try to go to the Voobly lobby, it verifies the patch and tells me that 'music.m3u' is missing. I can't find a solution anywhere but I want to play on Voobly. Anyone have a fix?

submitted by /u/CptWorley
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LF people to Practice with

  • 1v1 arabia
  • around 1400-1700
  • be able to play atleast 1 bo3 daily
  • we play on HD, no voobly
  • goal is to improve together/ get used to more Civs/maybe even create a team/clan etc
  • be mature - dont insult or anything of that nature

if ur looking for something like this aswell, lemme know ;)

submitted by /u/OJRyuzaki
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Mobile games using aoeII assets?

Y'all ever see those mobile games that use aoe assets in their games? Especially the european buildings, does Microsoft still have copyright over those assets? The mobile games have lots of players so in theory with the might of microsoft backing a legal action they it'd be easy for them to win, even if they're a foreign company. Do they just not know? Or does the company have a licence? Can anyone explain?

submitted by /u/Lord0Trade
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Just got this after being a long time player of the original, can't stand the gridkeys.

I love gridkeys in other games... well, I did until I realized how much more comfortable WASD camera control felt. Now it's driving me insane because I have to rebind things in about 10 different categories to not conflict. I don't remember it being half as hard with the original AOE 2 hotkeys, anyway to change them back to the default.

submitted by /u/CodeineCowboy
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/r/Games Daily Discussion - First Impressions: Age of Empires: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires is a series of personal computer games originally developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Studios. The first title of the series was Age of Empires, released in 1997. Since then, seven titles and three spin-offs have been released. The titles are historical real-time strategy games.

Age of Empires focused on events in Europe, Africa and Asia, spanning from the Stone Age to the Iron Age; the expansion game explored the formation and expansion of the Roman Empire. The sequel, Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, was set in the Middle Ages, while its expansion focused partially on the Spanish conquest of Mexico. The subsequent three games of Age of Empires III explored the early modern period, when Europe was colonizing the Americas and several Asian nations were on the decline. The newest installment, Age of Empires Online, takes a different approach as a free-to-play online game utilizing Games for Windows Live. A spin-off game, Age of Mythology, was set in the same period as the original Age of Empires, but focused on mythological elements of Greek, Egyptian, and Norse mythology. A fourth main installment in the series, Age of Empires IV, is under development.

  • If you played Age of Empires: Definitive Edition, did you enjoy it? Why or why not?

  • Overall, do the new additions justify a possible purchase for someone who played and enjoyed the original game?

  • Would you recommend this to someone looking for a good RTS? Why or why not?

  • What do you think of the reviews? Do they line up with how you feel about the game?

/r/Games has a Discord server! Come join us and say hi!

submitted by /u/Vespair
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Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

Time for another weekly round of questions.

Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.

Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.

So ask away!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Request: Campaigns show as "Completed"

I'm guessing in AOE2 there is some programmatic reason as to why it's impossible to show whether a campaign is completed or not... if that's not the case then... what the hell?

But in AOE1 if the whole campaign bit has been re-done (maybe it hasn't).. but at the very least the achievements work for campaigns which must check that all the missions in a campaign are complete before giving the achievement... so is there any reason not to put a little tick or append " (completed)" after the mission name string?

If not here.. then where would be best to make requests?

submitted by /u/Zephni
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New Civ Concept: Dutch

Hey guys,

I know there's been a lot of postings about new civ ideas today, but that doesn't mean I've not been thinking about this for a good while. Since I am partly Dutch by ancestry, and study the Dutch in my undergraduate history studies, I wanted to put this new idea out there before someone else grabbed it up 11

While I may be influenced by other ideas (Civ 5, IIRC), as far as I can recall all these ideas are original, as I have not looked at any other post on Reddit or AoCZone to inform my own ideas.


For centuries, the Frisians and other Germanic peoples of the Low Countries have eked out a meager existence by the North Sea, traded back and forth between European empires. Now, their time has come. Take advantage of religious and political turmoil to free the Dutch from their imperial overlords and usher in a golden age of prosperity! Use your superior naval might to wrest control of the seas, even as your innovative new army defends your lands!

Dutch: Naval and gunpowder civilization

Civ Bonuses:

  • Galley line gets +1 attack per age starting in Feudal Age

  • Farm size reduced to 2x2 tiles (reflects efficient (and aesthetic) Dutch farming practices) boosts farming efficiency, and farms can finally fit around the mill!!

  • Fortified walls free

  • Can build buildings on shallows

  • Team Bonus: All Market techs free

Unique Unit and Techs:

  • Unique Unit: Stadtholder (heavy hand cannoneer with attack bonus against cavalry).

Cost: 30F, 60G

HP: 40 (55 elite)

Base Armor: 2/1

Base Attack: 17 (pierce) (20 elite)

Training time: 13 seconds

Range: 6

Rate of fire: 3.49

Speed: 0.8

Accuracy: 75%

Elite upgrade cost: 500F, 600G

Attack bonuses: +12 vs cavalry, +10 vs eagle warriors, +12 vs elephants

A slow but heavy gunpowder unit which (when fully upgraded) can survive an onager shot and take down cavalry relatively quickly; however, because of short range, it is still vulnerable to archers.

  • Imperial Unique Technology: Guilders (reduces gunpowder cost by 33%)

  • Castle Age Unique Technology: Dike-Piercing (deleting walls causes damage to adjacent enemy units) - don't roast me on this one guys, I was focusing on other ideas 11

Tech Tree Bans

Barracks: eagle warrior line

Stable: Paladin and Husbandry

Archery Range: Parthian Tactics, Cavalry Archer line

Siege Workshop: Siege Ram, Siege Onager

Monastery: Atonement, Heresy, Fervor, Theocracy, Sanctity

Blacksmith: Plate Barding Armor

Dock: all techs available

University: Keep

Basically, a defensive and late-game economy civ with naval and gunpowder boosts and terrible monks. Because of how many civs and civ ideas there are, it's hard to have bonuses that don't overlap with existing ones, so that's why the bonuses are a little out there, but I tried to make them unique and interesting as well as viable.

submitted by /u/ChuKoNoob
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Macedonian - too op!

I never played the RoR expansion a lot and only played as Carthaginian and Roman back in the day.

I bought DE yesterday, I started a 200 pop 4v4 RM with random civ against "Hard" AI and randomly got Macedonian and holy shit are they invincible IMO.

They have cataphracts, centurions with +5 pierce armor, heavy horse archers with, armored elephants for good measure. All non-ranged units have better LOS too. They also have cheaper siege, I don't know why you would want to make siege with such A+ units, but hey it's an option. Oh and did I mention they have balista towers too to help defend your base.

On top of all this I was against egyptian and babylon Hard AI who were doubling me, (actually I was being tripled a Minoan AI too at that time), and they brought their monks, when I was in the bronze age. I was scared shitless only to realize that their monks were only able to convert two unit out of my army. Pleasantly surprised, I went back to the tech tree and saw that they are 4X more resistant to conversions!

Needless to say, I steamrolled all the hard AIs with horse archer+phalanx+heavy cav (didn't have food to upgrade those units) combo, while surrounding my base with guard towers , which i was able to upgrade to balista towers in late game.

That got me thinking...If I ever play against a Macedonian player AI or human, how the hell can I beat their "comp.bow + cav + hoplite combo" in bronze age transitioning to "horse archer + heavy cav + phalanx" combo in iron age ?

I guess the only way would be to deny them gold very early on ? but then they could alway go mass towers and defend pretty well too.

I don't see any military counter unit strat against them ... thoughts ?

submitted by /u/creepingdeathv2
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Where are Age of Empires Rise of Rome Trial maps?

I'm %100 sure there was a aoe rise of rome trial version map in the trailer. But in-game i can't find it. Am i missing it or is it not in game?

submitted by /u/1000-7
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Found a bug? Want to report it? Click here!

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Error 0x803F8001

I've tried the recommended installing a free app such as Netflix and spottily but it still crashes to the Microsoft store.

any fixes?

submitted by /u/MadCauseTwoDads
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How viable is it to control group every unit using a 200 number keypad and then mentally keep track of every farm food count and it's corresponding villager to make the farm the second it runs out and save time force dropping off?

I think that will take the skill cap of aoe2 to the max with a godly apm

submitted by /u/dragonflamer92
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What version of WK do I use for MoA5 recs?

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How do I watch the recs for MoA5?

I don't know what version of WK to download since it's being played on not the newest one.

submitted by /u/aerovistae
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Anyone else amazed by Viper's performance in MoA5?

I can't believe he's shut out everyone with the exception of a single loss to Vinchester. The guy is just too fucking good at this game. He barely ever even plays Arena.

submitted by /u/aerovistae
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Just curious to know if anyone here is aware of the dislike and detest of Taiwanese Aoe2 players and China

I believe his name is GTKcloud or something. Well recently I watched his stream and saw everyone was speaking Chinese (what I thought). I said hello in simple Chinese (mandarin) and they were furious because China and Taiwan apparently have a terrible history and the channel was actually full of Taiwanese individuals.

GTKcloud or whatever his name is refuses to even play as the civilization of China. The same attitude was consistent with his chat which consisted of like 500 players.

Just something I found interesting because I never thought world politics could so heavily influence a community in Aoe2.

If you don't believe me simply do some research on China and Taiwan and you'll very quickly understand that there is a great dislike for each other rooted at the societal level.

Again I don't know how popular GTKcloud is but I thought I would post this because i'm fairly certain he's a big player (could be mistaken)

submitted by /u/dragonflamer92
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Match making

Does anyone know if there is a match making system coming in the future? I never played aoe1 online and playing against aoe1 veterans is pretty hard and nearly impossible for me 😅

submitted by /u/Vipeet
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BaiyueWarrior's civ crafting 1: the Southern Chinese

Hello everybody, this is my first post in the aoe2 community on Reddit. I really love to play aoe2, that's why I decided to join this community and to share my thoughts about this game with you guys.

AOE2 is a really well-designed game; it never gets old, and it has the potential to become even better. The recent expansions added many news civs to this game. While this certainly made the game more fun to play with, I feel that many of the old civs need some rework. They are either too generic or not well-balanced. Chinese is one of the civs that is way too generic, along with Slavs, Indians, and Saracens, among others. As a Chinese myself, I feel that it could not represent the rich and complex history of China. Instead of changing the current Chinese civ in the game, I suggest to keep it as it is and rename it as Northern Chinese, to account for the fact that they have relatively strong cavalry and archers, but lack gunpowder units and some other crucial technologies such as Block Printing (though I feel that they should at least have the Bombard Cannon to better cope with enemy siege units in late game); and add a new civ called the Southern Chinese, which is another Chinese civ that has better infantry and somewhat more advanced technology, but lacks good cavalry. Historically Northern and Southern China had been divided multiple times under different polities for several centuries, and also the Northern and Southern Chinese each had assimilated different ethnic groups; the Northerners had assimilated various Mongolic and Tungusic peoples, while the Southerners had assimilated various Hmong-Mien, Tai-Kadai, and Austroasiatic peoples. The difference between Northern and Southern China persists well into the modern era, though nowadays with high-speed rails running across the country, it is gradually diminishing. But still, I think it's completely valid to separate Northern and Southern China into two civs in the timeline covered by aoe2, which is roughly from the fall of the Western Roman Empire up to the beginning of the 17th century.

Here are my thoughts on the Southern Chinese civ

infantry and naval civ

civilization bonuses:

Start with 5 villagers but minus 100 food

Fish Traps are 30% cheaper

Chemistry and Conscription are 50% cheaper

Petards gain +20 hp and a bonus attack of +25 against cavalry units

Unique Unit 1: Zhanmadao, trained at the Castle, a heavy anti-cavalry melee infantry carrying the Chinese horse-chopping saber, sort of like a combo of Mameluke and Teutonic Knight. Stats: Cost: 75 food 50 gold HP: 75 / 95 (elite) Attack: 12, 14(elite) melee Attack Bonuses: +12, +14 (elite) vs cavalry / +2, +3 (elite) vs standard buildings Rate of Fire: 2.03 Melee Armor: 2 Pierce Armor: 1 Armor Classes: Infantry/Unique Unit Speed: 0.75 Line of Sight: 4

Unique Unique 2: Bamboo Firelancer, trained at the Siege Workshop, basically a land version of Fire Ships Stats: Cost: 60 wood 40 gold HP: 45 / 55 (elite) Attack Bonuses: +3 vs siege / +2 vs buildings / +2 vs ship (elite) Rate of Fire: 0.25 Range: 2.49 Projectile Speed: 3 Melee Armor: 0 Pierce Armor: 5 Armor Class: Infantry/Siege Speed: 1 Line of Sight: 4

Alternatively, their second UU could be a naval unit. We could give them a treasure ship or a merchant ship that functions like the trade cog, slower but much more tanky, can bring back more gold, and has the ability to defend itself. I haven't really think about the stats of such a unit.

Castle Age UT: Poisonous Admixture, Fire Ship and Bamboo Firelancers gain +2 bonus attack against infantry units

Imperial Age UT: Watertight Compartment, injured ships gain the ability to regenerate their HP (though very slowly).

Team Bonus: Haven't really think about it. I'd like to hear your suggestions. Maybe some bonus on trade carts, trade cogs, or market? Cause historically Southern China had been the largest producer of tea, silk, and porcelain, and they had been exporting these commodities to other parts of Asia, gaining huge profits in return.

What's your opinion on my first ever post on Reddit and first ever civ crafting? Opinions and advice are always welcomed.

submitted by /u/BaiyueWarrior
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Battle of Africa Promo Video

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Titan Difficulty LP Final Mission!

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Aoe DE doesn't save anything after closing the game

All the options (sound, language, etc) are getting resetted to default when quitting the game. Also, all saved games and campaign progress disappear as well. Especially not saving the campaign progress (the already finished missions) is pretty bad. I would appreciate if this could get fixed by the devs or if anyone has some ideas how I could solve this myself. As I don't really see other people complaining about it, this might be a rare bug...

submitted by /u/DamnThatName123
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El Cid Campaign Misson 1 Broken?

So, I just tried to do the El Cid campaigns First Mission. When you do it, you are suppose to have the option of walking away from the king and going to find some Serfs who will work as your base, along with a monastery with a monk. Neither of these events triggered. I got the Monastery but there is no monk there, the serfs do nothing.

Edit: In HD edition.

submitted by /u/Marhotgo
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Help with unit testing.

Sometimes i like to test units, to see who wins in terms of cost-efficiency, population-efficiency, i just find it interesting, and it might help in an actual game eventually. I try to limit variables, trying to put all ranged units within range, ai tends to move away if they are not in immediate range of mine, leading to very innacurate results. I also run them a few times, to limit chance/luck. As such, i typically only test melee units and ranged units with equal range, because i dont think i can find fair results in scenarios where one has the range advantage over the other. I rarely micro the units though, as the ai is dumb and would lead to landslide victories for mye side, so my tests doesnt really account for micro, which i guess could lead to some interesting results(if the ai could micro property, that is).

Anyways, enough about that for now, im starting to think my methods are flawed, in some ways. When someone post their results, concluding that unit x beats unit y, i often find when i run the same test, unit y actually beats unit x instead. Not too often, but at times i have gotten a bit of criticism for disagreeing with their results, i wish i found the same results, but i didnt, so i just kept thinking that my results must be correct. But maybe its my unit testings that are flawed, i dont know, but i will take that into account for the future. Apologies if have been a pain at times regarding this topic, i will be less stubborn in the future.

Does anyone have some solid tips for doing unit testings? Trying to improve, so some help would be nice.

submitted by /u/_morten_
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Is there an executable?

I want a desktop icon for this game so I can launch it without going through Start or my Windows Games. I am primarily a Steam user and I am unfamiliar with how Windows handles things like this.

Is there any way to run this game from an executable on my desktop?

Also semi-related, is it possible to run this game through Steam as a non-steam game so that I can still have the Steam overlay? I feel like the Microsoft social features probably wouldn't be compatible with the Steam overlay but I am curious.

I am grateful for any help!

submitted by /u/LordyArg
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