Help with unit testing.

Sometimes i like to test units, to see who wins in terms of cost-efficiency, population-efficiency, i just find it interesting, and it might help in an actual game eventually. I try to limit variables, trying to put all ranged units within range, ai tends to move away if they are not in immediate range of mine, leading to very innacurate results. I also run them a few times, to limit chance/luck. As such, i typically only test melee units and ranged units with equal range, because i dont think i can find fair results in scenarios where one has the range advantage over the other. I rarely micro the units though, as the ai is dumb and would lead to landslide victories for mye side, so my tests doesnt really account for micro, which i guess could lead to some interesting results(if the ai could micro property, that is).

Anyways, enough about that for now, im starting to think my methods are flawed, in some ways. When someone post their results, concluding that unit x beats unit y, i often find when i run the same test, unit y actually beats unit x instead. Not too often, but at times i have gotten a bit of criticism for disagreeing with their results, i wish i found the same results, but i didnt, so i just kept thinking that my results must be correct. But maybe its my unit testings that are flawed, i dont know, but i will take that into account for the future. Apologies if have been a pain at times regarding this topic, i will be less stubborn in the future.

Does anyone have some solid tips for doing unit testings? Trying to improve, so some help would be nice.

submitted by /u/_morten_
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