Does anyone have any idea for beating "Into China"?

The scenario is REALLY hard. I first go to the siege engineer base where I get the villagers and siege weapons. Then I try to defeat the Chinese Engineers. I started with building a base there, but I get attacked a lot by Tanguts (Red). They start attacking me even before I start building a base. Sometimes before I defeat the Engineers!

I try to build a base on the same island as Jin (Yellow), but there are no resources besides trees, so I had to go back to the mainland, where I frequently got raided by Tanguts and Hsi Hsia (Green), again and again.

It's so frustrating! I try everything I can think of, but nothing works. Sometimes I try to destroy Sung (Light Blue) as quickly as possible using the bombard cannons nearby, and one time it worked, but every other time it failed. One time, they sent their villagers all the way to the Great Wall! Also, I was under the impression that they only train archers and are limited to the Castle Age. Yet, they built a barracks, trained infantry, and advanced to the Imperial Age!

So, could anyone please help? Because I am at my wit's end.

P.S., this is for the HD version.

submitted by /u/Roguemaster43
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