Atlantis Reborn AI is super buggy

Just played this campaign on Titan last night and noticed that the AI is super buggy.

In my game, I did not face endless waves of enemies, and once I destroyed the 4 military barracks from the passage the Greek city never attacked me at all. Compare that with The Viper's game, who was consistently overwhelmed by attacks from the passage and the city.

One odd thing I've seen while playing this campaign is that you can (sort of) manipulate the AI so one of the giant waves never attacks you. I don't know what triggers this. The only difference was not building anything in the area near the bushes west of the TC, not even gathering the food from those bushes, and putting all my military production south of the TC in the area where the underworld passage spawns. Even while advancing to the southwest TC and as I closed in on the gate before the 4 military barracks, the giant army patrolling the 4 barracks never attacked me, and instead only 5-6 units branched off and attacked me.

Has anyone seen this?

submitted by /u/confused_cheme96
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