Guide about micromanagement of melee and ranged units. (Interactions of patrol, formations, stances, etc)

Hello everyone!

After a long time researching for articles and guides about how to maximize the efficiency of unit usage, i found out that the information sources are all incredibly spread, scarce or even dated.

I was wondering if as a community, with the help of the top players, it would be possible to make a compendium of the most important mechanics to know and develop.

Talking about things like:

Stand ground vs aggresive/defensive stance targeting.

Patrols, runners, most efficient manners of engaging (like stacking ranged units with patrol, keeping melee units in tighter formations until almost colliding with stand ground patrol, etc).

Formations advantages and unit groupings depending on amount selected.

Other army mechanics that i am unaware of it's existence. 11

Maybe it's a such a broad subject that's impossible to talk about all of it at once, but having an updated and organized guide might help lots for newer and not so new players!

Thanks lots for your time and sorry if it's a silly idea. :)

submitted by /u/CmdtePapaFrita
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