How to win vs. "Hard" AI?

Hi all!

Yesterday I found my old CD of AoM and I just wanted to play some match. Then I bought the last expansion, Tale of the Dragon.

I've never been "pro" at this game, just a "random player"

So I started a 1v1 vs Medium AI, I won.

Then I started a 1v1 vs Hard AI, I just lost too bad but I understood my errors.

So I started playing other 1v1s vs Hard AI, but all the matches "finishes" the same way. Or better, they don't finish.

AI keeps harrassing me, I keep fighting him back, stop. This can take hours, the game can't finish. I haven't enough soldiers to destroy him, because when he harrasses me I just reclute other soldiers but he attacks again immediately.

How can I move from this situation?


submitted by /u/Fefolino
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