How Worth it are some of the eco cards?

I love booming as Russia, but I feel like some of these boom cards take too long to pay off and resource shipments are of better value, especially wood.

I've read somewhere that some of the Eco enhancing cards take 7 minutes to pay itself off, but I wonder in non treaty games if they are even worth the bother then. I would much prefer 700 wood or 1000 wood to construct town centers and trading posts to boost my Eco instead of some of the smaller "increase by 10% cards."

I see larger value in refrigeration, textile mill, royal mint, etc. that increase resource 20% or more

Refrigeration: Mill +20%, Hunting +20%, Berrybush + 20%, Herdable + 20%, Farm +20%

Textile Mills: Plantation +25%

Royal Mint: Plantation +25%, Mine +25%

But I don't think that cards like Food Silos: Mill +15%, Farm +15% could be better replaced with a wood shipment.

Another think I prefer to do, but probably puts me at a large disadvantage is when I exhausted about two hunts I go for mills and build walls. I probably should utilize more of the map control and resources.

Another question I have is for my first shipment for a Russian boom. We all know wood resources collect the slowest, so is it wise to put off the Distributivism card (wood trickle) and instead invest it into let's say Exotic Hardwoods: Wood + 20% ?

Actually, a better option might be economic theory ( Economic Theory: Hunting +10%, Berrybush +10%, Herdable +10%, Mine +10%, Wood +10%, Plantation +10$, Mill )

But for team games maybe my first card should be Team Furrier: Hunting +10%, Berrybush +15% ? This would net for 30% for the team. But wood trickle is equal to like 2-3 villagers? (someone confirm this please)

Sorry for a bunch of random questions. I just wish I could see some stats on how long these cards to pay themselves off, making them worth it or not. (Even though they would be especially worth it for 40+ games I would presume)

submitted by /u/BlackNight0wl
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