Made a list of all the AOE2 AI names!

*Not included: Vietnamese


  • Henry V
  • Richard II
  • William III
  • Lord Talbot
  • Prince John
  • King Edward
  • Henry Tudor
  • Earl of Wessex
  • Earl of Warwick
  • Alfred the Great
  • The Black Prince
  • Duke of Normandy
  • Edward Longshanks
  • Henry Bolingbroke
  • Richard the Lionhearted


  • Roland
  • Louis IX
  • Louis VI"
  • Louis XI
  • Charles VI
  • Charlemagne
  • King Philip I
  • Charles Martel
  • Pepin the Short
  • Philip the Good
  • Charles the Bold
  • Philip II Augustus
  • Constable Richemont
  • Jean Dunois of Orleans
  • Raymond, Prince of Antioch


  • Athaulf
  • King Wallia
  • King Alaric II
  • King Leovigild
  • Teias the Goth
  • General Theodemir
  • Theodoric the Goth
  • King Euric the Visigoth


  • King Karl
  • Henry III
  • Lothair II
  • King Rupert
  • Frederick II
  • Emp. Lothair
  • Maximilian II
  • King Heinrich
  • King Wenceslas
  • Henry the Lion
  • Otto the Great
  • Emp. Leopold I
  • Albert the Bear
  • Conrad the Salian
  • Rudolph of Swabia
  • Frederick Barbarossa
  • Maximilian of Hapsburg


  • Hojou Soun
  • Saito Dousan
  • Oda Nobunaga
  • Gamou Ujisato
  • Date Masamune
  • Mouri Motonari
  • Uesugi Kenshin
  • Takeda Shingen
  • Sanada Yukimura
  • Tokugawa Ieyasu
  • Nitta Yoshisada
  • Tairano Kiyomori
  • Ashikaga Takauji
  • Imagawa Yoshimoto
  • Husunoki Masashige
  • Hosokawa Katsumoto
  • Minamotono Yoritomo
  • Fujiwarano Michinaga
  • Minamotono Yoshitsune


  • Zhu Di
  • Yue Fei
  • Zheng He
  • Lin Chong
  • Yang Jian
  • Wu Ze-tian
  • Li Shi-min
  • Li zi-cheng
  • Mu Gui-ying
  • Zhao Kuang-yin
  • Wen Tian-xiang
  • Zhu Yuan-zhang"


  • Belisarius
  • Emp. Leo VI
  • Emp. Justinian
  • Emp. Mauricius
  • Emp. Michael V
  • Emp. Anastasius
  • Emp. Romanus II
  • Emp. Alexius IV
  • Emp. Constantine
  • Emp. Tiberius III
  • Heraclius the Elder
  • Basil the Macedonian
  • Michael the Stammerer
  • General Manuel Comnenus


  • Yakub
  • Mondhir
  • Shah Rukh
  • King Bahram
  • Shah Takash
  • Emp. Kavadh
  • Emp. Hormizd
  • Mohammad Shah
  • Emp. Yazdegird
  • King Chosroes II


  • Saladin
  • Baibars
  • Kala'un
  • Kerboga
  • Nur-ed-din
  • Al-Mu'tasim
  • Atabeg Zangi
  • Caliph Yazid
  • General Khalid
  • Caliph Abu Bekr
  • General Shirkuh


  • Orkhan
  • Seljuk
  • Bayazid
  • Alp Arslan
  • Kai Kobad
  • Danishmend
  • Chaghri Beg
  • Sultan Murad
  • Sultan Sanjar
  • Sultan Malik-shah
  • Ghiyas-ud-Din of Ghor
  • General Togrul Beg
  • Atsiz the Khwarezmian
  • Suleiman the Magnificent


  • Sigurd
  • Siegfried
  • Canute IV
  • Jarl Osbiorn
  • Erik Bloodax
  • Erik the Red
  • King Godfred
  • Chief Thorgest
  • Olaf Haraldson
  • Sweyn Forkbeard
  • Magnus Olafsson
  • Olaf Tryggvasson
  • Harald Bluetooth
  • Harald Hardraade
  • Magnus the Strong
  • Halfdan the Black


  • Kabul
  • Chepe
  • Subotai
  • Uzbeg
  • Kushluk
  • Kitboga
  • Batu Khan
  • Tamerlane
  • Guyuk Khan
  • Mongke Khan
  • Ogedei Khan
  • Genghis Khan
  • Khubilai Khan
  • Toktamish Khan


  • Aedan
  • Brude
  • Conall
  • Ainmire
  • Cunedda
  • Vortigern
  • Diarmait
  • Maelgwn
  • Macbeth
  • Columba
  • Ambrosius
  • Aethelfrith
  • Brian Boru
  • William Wallace
  • Robert the Bruce
  • Athelred the Unready


  • King Alfonso
  • King Sancho
  • Catherine of Aragon
  • King Ferdinand
  • Pedro the Cruel
  • Ramiro I of Aragon
  • El Cid Campeador
  • Count Berengeur
  • Gonzalo de Códoba
  • King Charles VIII
  • Ordono II of León
  • King Ramiro of León
  • Hernan Cortéz
  • Álvarez de Toledo
  • Queen Isabella
  • Cardinal Jiménez


  • Itzcoatl
  • Montezuma
  • Axayactl
  • Tizoc
  • Ahuitzotol
  • Cuitlauac
  • Cuauhtemoc
  • Maxixca
  • Acamapichtli
  • Ahuitzotol
  • Huitzilihuitl
  • Chimalpopoca


  • Black Serpent
  • Flint Sky God
  • Bird Jaguar
  • Lady Great Skull Zero
  • King Stormy Sky
  • Shield Jaguar II
  • Curl Snout
  • Eighteen Rabbit
  • Smoke Imix God
  • Great Jaguar Paw
  • Smoking Squirrel
  • Smoke Shell
  • Smoke Monkey
  • Smoking Frog
  • Waterlily Jaguar


  • Attila the Hun
  • Bleda the Hun
  • Mundzuk the Hun
  • Ruga the Hun
  • Uldin the Hun
  • Balamber the Hun
  • Ellak the Hun
  • Dengizk the Hun
  • Ernak the Hun


  • Kwanggaeto the Great
  • General Ulji Mun-tok
  • General Kyebaek
  • General Kim Yu-shin
  • Admiral Chang Bo-ko
  • General Taejoyoung
  • Wang Kon
  • General Kang Kam-chan
  • Ch'oe Mu-son
  • General Ch'oe Young
  • Yi Song-kye
  • Sejong the Great
  • General Kwon Yul
  • Admiral Yi Sun-shin


  • Pope Gregory VII
  • Pietro Gradenigo
  • Francesco I Sforza
  • Ottone Visconti
  • Domenico Selvo
  • Castruccio Castracani
  • Simone Boccanegra
  • Maurizio Galbaio
  • Alboin
  • Liutprand the Lombard
  • Arechis II of Benevento
  • Gisulf I of Salerno


  • Iltutmish
  • Babur
  • Humayun
  • Akbar
  • Bappa Rawal
  • Man Singh I
  • Sultan Ala-ud-din Khilji
  • Sultan Balban


  • Manco Inca Yupanqui
  • Manco Cápac
  • Túpac Inca Yupanqui
  • Viracocha
  • Pachacuti
  • Huayna Cápac
  • Huascár
  • Tópa Huallpa
  • Atahualpa


  • István I
  • Fehér András
  • Bajnok Béla
  • László I
  • Kálmán I
  • Károly Róbert"
  • Nagy Lajos
  • Matthias Corvinus"


  • Wenceslaus I
  • Ottokar I
  • Rurik I
  • Oleg the Seer
  • Vladimir the Great
  • Alexander Nevsky
  • Yuri II
  • Casimir II the Great
  • Boleslaw the Brave
  • Wenceslaus the One-Eyed
  • Sviatoslav the Brave
  • Yaroslav the Wise


  • Afonso Henriques
  • Joao I
  • Henry the Navigator
  • Afonso V
  • Manuel I
  • Afonso de Albuquerque
  • Vasco da Gama
  • Bartolomeu Dias
  • Vimara Peres
  • Pedro Alvares Cabral
  • Duarte Pacheco Pereira
  • Nuno Alvares Pereira


  • Kaleb of Axum
  • Dil Na'od
  • Lalibela
  • Yakuno Amlak
  • Amda Seyon
  • Zara Yaqob
  • Gelawdewos
  • Frumentius
  • Yared
  • Yodit
  • Amir Habbuba
  • Abba Guba


  • Sundjata
  • Mansa Musa
  • Ouali Keita
  • Soumaoro Kante
  • Souleyman Keita
  • Mansa Mahmud IV
  • Mamadou
  • Tiramakhan
  • Mansa Sakura
  • Mari Djata I
  • Abu Bakr II
  • Soumaba Cisse


  • Yusuf
  • Tariq ibn Ziyad
  • Musa ibn Nusayr
  • Kusayla
  • Maysara
  • Idris I
  • Abu Yazid
  • Abdallah ibn Yasin
  • Abu Bakr ibn Umar
  • Ibn Tumart
  • Abd al-Mu'min
  • Salih ibn Tarif

This took a while

submitted by /u/MooshGuy
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