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submitted by /u/xpqvlryznrjxwnvj [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/2tKw6VQ
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submitted by /u/xpqvlryznrjxwnvj [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Gyeseongyeon [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/sidecarridecar [link] [comments] |
Looking for others to play with? Team up with a friend or find a mate in our discord discord.gg/MHSnemB on March 1st, 8 PM EST for some duo tournament action. We will be hosting 5 more events for the month of March for 5 other titles including a cash prize event!! Come climb the mountain with us!
direct link to sign up sheet https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNmvGsb3M6axmWC5wMoq3QeBhbIddEusdD9TdVRnOJGz5b9w/viewform
Hi, First post. I really just wanted to make a discussion about the importance of communication after a particular game i just had. In this instance i was on a 3v3, and my flank player just started mining my gold. I kept asking why he was doing this, as his base was completely untouched. I said i don't mind him doing it if he gives me a reason why, but it probably would've been better communicating to a brick wall. Fast forward to the end of the game i'm trapped in a 2v1, and he's still mining all my gold, not helping and nor communicating. Long story short, what's everyones opinion on team communication, should there be more emphasis on the importance of it on such platforms as steam?
Im currently tavelling abroad and want to download Age of Mythology but Steam wont let me as i didnt make my account before i left my home country....
Any ideas on where i can download Age of Mythology elsewhere?
Please note, this list is my personal opinion and based on only one factor: how much would a civilization suffer if if did not have that unique unit available. This isn't a list comparing unique units head to head. Feel free to give your own suggestions/ranking. Secondary units such as eagle warriors and condottieri aren't considered for this list.
1 Plumed Archer
2 Longbowman
3 Huskarl
4 Chu Ko Nu
5 Janissary
6 Kamayuk
7 Conquistador
8 Rattan Archer
9 Mangudai
10 Cataphract
11 Genoese Crossbowman
12 Camel Archer
13 Boyar
14 War Wagon
15 Organ Gun
16 Magyar Huszar
17 Mameluke
18 Berserk
19 Jaguar Warrior
20 Arambai
21 Woad Raider
22 Elephant Archer
23 Shotel Warrior
24 Teutonic Knight
25 Karambit Warrior
26 Samurai
27 Gbeto
28 Ballista Elephant
29 War Elephant
30 Throwing Axeman
31 Tarkan
"It is advised to play an Asian (Indians/Chinese/Japanese) home city when using the XPMOD, as that will allow any new home cities created afterwards to start at level 100 by default."
1) So let's say I get China home city, I take it to XP mode, after 2 minutes, my opponent resigns, I get level 100 right after my opponent resigns? (Only takes 1 match to get level 100?)
2) Since China home city is now level 100, every home city (asia / warchiefs / vanilla cities) are all level 100 when I create them because I reached level 100 with China?
I've been a casual player of this game for years, off and on. Hotkeys are an after-thought for most every function, even if I haven't played in several months. However, I realize that I am at a road block with my current set-up and will need to re-tool things if I want to improve. Like a lot of non-serious players, I toggle through production buildings with an assigned key and use the mouse the click the unit. I can produce pretty quickly this way, but it takes me away from battles/current tasks. Later in the game, I will do the same thing but with control groups using MQ.
Currently, my production buildings are allocated so that a single key is a go-to command (I removed the ctrl key out of the equation):
A = Archery Range
B = Barracks
S = Stable
D = Dock
V = Castle
However, with the control key removed, I also run the risk of "going to" a different building instead of producing units; that's why I use the mouse. Does anyone have a similar set-up or have an idea of how to queue units within that set-up, so that production is done completely with the keyboard? For example, I've though about assigning all trash units as "T" (A + T = Skirm, B + T = Spear, S + T = Scout) and doing a similar thing with "G" for gold units. But that also means I would need new hotkeys for towers and mining camps.
Suggestions are really appreciated.
Edit: I just realized that this would still result in screen toggling. Do you guys just use hotkeys for all production buildings?
any help on this ?
i am trying to host a game so my brother can join me an play 1v1, but neithe him or i can create a game
"you were dropped"
Need an AOE type game for history geeks
The next episode for Inside Xbox, which will feature AoE, will most likely be on 12.March, as can be read on this tweet (and some other webpages) https://twitter.com/klobrille/status/1100708747092115456
There's no info about the content though, could be about any of the devinitive editions or even aoe4. All they said back then was that "Age of Empires will have a segment on Inside Xbox in March! Make sure to tune in here when we go live, because we’re going to have some very exciting announcements!" (https://www.ageofempires.com/news/happy-birthday-age-of-empires-definitive-edition/)
Hello guys, I’ve been trying to know how do pro players in China play against Europe or Americans? I’m a foreigner here in shanghai. I have tried voobly with vpn but my ping is like 900. I’ve downloaded voobly China, to play without vpn, but for some reason Chinese players don’t play with foreigners, so I cannot find games easily.
I’ve watched matches with theyo lyx and vivi playing the western gang(vip,daut,Larry etc) with not much lag, making it playable.
Any tips on how to achieve it?
Thanks in advance guys, aoe2 community is out of this world.
Hi, is there a mod out there that allows you to control multiple factions, e.g playing as greek i can control an Egyptian player and make the two factions fight each-other, or if i wanted to have a 3 way match against myself is there a mod that makes it possible? also are there any cool editor mods you can recommend?
I've spent some time enjoying the Monty Python taunts, but I am now craving something even more ridiculous. And who writes insults with even greater wit than Monty Python, none other than the Bard himself.
So post below your favourite Shakespeare quote that would make a good taunt.
When doing a fire or galley rush I know generally in dark age it is good to have 4 fishing ships however when going to feudal age should more be made or should focus only be on military and just make more in Castle Age?
Also when is it a good idea to transition to fish traps?
Any extended build order for fc eagles? How many barracks, how many on gold, when to add barracks, when to get what upgrade (+1, +2, eagle warrior, squires, forging... ), when to add tcs... I improvise every single time.
Hey so I'm new to AOE and I saw a couple of videos featuring AM. The way the caster talked about them, I could tell that Hera is an insanely fast player and aggressive player while Lierry is someone who's good with everything. He didn't really seem to talk about Nicov too much. I was just wondering what kind of a player he was. Is there something he's exceptional at, or is he more an all round solid player
Years ago I played AoE 2 on my brother’s superiour PC. Almost 80% of my games were played with the map editor’s test mode. 8 players, huge maps, 99999 of each res, aegis and let’s roll. What are your fondest memories of playing this game as a child?
title. looking for ideas of how i should use my hotkeys, i have a laptop so only looking for numbers / letters, no numpad.
The bachelor party starts off with a scavenge hunt kind of thing. The groom is cycling and meets up with the friends along the way with whom he will play a game in order to win the next clue and win back a normal piece of clothing.
Since we played AoE together I though it would be fun to play AoE! But time is limited, just 15 minutes. It is in the middle of a field so there is no internet (a pretty cool setting to play a game of AoE though).
My idea is that in my introduction I will say to him something along the lines of: "Well we explained to TheViper that you are getting married. And he said he would be up for a game. If you succeed in not getting defeated until the 20 minute mark you win the next clue.".
I thought of creating a whole custom scenario but I do not have the time for that. The objective (thus not the game itself) should be winnable (so he gets the next clue) within the allotted time frame. This is why I chose this set up.
I originally planned to use the barbarian AI. Perhaps add some taunts/conversation impersonating TheViper through the scenario editor. Since it has to be done offline however I am limited to HD which unlike Voobly can actually be played offline. On HD I only found 2 bots, the Resonance bot and the bruteforce. The bruteforce bot isn't good enough to offer the challenge. The Resonance bot talks a lot about it being the Resonance.
I hope you can help me with some advice/pointers: * Is it easy to alter the Resonance bot so that it doesn't chat as much (I have a background in programming but I couldn't find any tutorials on where to get started) or
* Is there an easy way to get the barbarian AI in HD or
* Is there an easy way to play Voobly offline?
Yesterday, after more than 3 or 4 years i got this game, i reached 1600 ranked points... I have been in 1100 about less than a year ago.... im so happy, Thank you all of this reddit, im always here searching for tips, and seems that it worked :D
Hey, so a little bit about myself. I have been playing this game on and off since 2009, but since i was quite young then i didnt really get the game and just did whatever. But after a long break i picked the game up again and I would say im a solid player now and I can get my eco booming with pretty much every civ and get a nice army in 20 minutes( i like 20min treaty games the most). I want to find an experienced player to play with so he could teach me things with the Asian civs and just overall the game would be more fun with a communicative and experienced teammate.
I have this campaign/scenario called The Relics of Athalen. I've never done this so i am clueless. I need instructions on which file goes where. Here are the things in the campaign folder.
How to install.txt
Map of the world.jpg
The most pressing Question(microsoft word file)
Edit: btw i am trying to install campaigns to AoE2 HD
Horns on elephants vs horns on helmets!
Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Goths vs Indians, and next up is the Khmer vs Vikings!
Khmer: Siege and Elephant civilization
Vikings: Infantry and Naval civilization
Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!
Thank you as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Portuguese vs Vietnamese. Hope to see you there! :)
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submitted by /u/UnproductiveAcct [link] [comments] |
Would it not be better to get 10 on boars, and then saturate berries with 4 vills, and just leaving the one initial vill who builds the mill collecting until then?
Every time I "rush" the AI with archers, I find it has already twice as many skirmishers. I can solve it by making more skirmishers of my own but I can imagine there is a more effective way that I haven't thought of. I tried Scouts and that did the trick but I don't want to go Scouts every game.
Profile: https://www.voobly.com/profile/view/125133053
Some specific matches:
(Inspired by T90's idea for roasting in AOE2)
Hello there. I am just a guy who recently (like 4 months ago) gave his AoE2 childhood nostalgia a scratch. Reinstalled the game, replayed several capaigns... and discovered, to his very pleasant surprise, that the game has a competitive scene. Noice!
One thing that made me sad, is the impression, what a civ with a special place in my heart is in. The Mongols. I love Mongols, horse archery is the coolest things ever, khans were utterly badass, and throat singing gives me goosebumps. But, from the matches i watched i get the impression, that they do not do well. Can you guys tell me, if I am correct, or being an utter nupe I overreact?
They have many shortcomings. In my eyes:
Horse archer AS bonus and light cav HP bonus do not make up for the lack of armor upgrade
Kinda sad to see these 2 stapple Mongol units lose to their fully upgraded counterparts. And that does not even begin to describe the difference between the Mongols and civs that have other bonuses, like Turks or Magyars or Huns.
Hard time addressing the enemy cavalry
Pointy bois missing, which is already an issue. The other unit used for heavy cav countering, the heavy camel is there, but it is not a trash unit, so does not trade as efficiently... and it lacks the last armor upgrade, reducing the cost-efficiency even further. Also they cannot fight fire with fire, because they only get subprime cavalier in their heavy cav line :(
post-imp artilery as the only good answet to enemy archers
ok, I give them that, Mongol siege is amazing. However, it is the only one particularly good answer Mongols have to archers. Additional armor is much better for dealing with archers than the bonus HP their hussars get, as archers have relatively low attack values. Elite skirm is there but.... eeeeh. Low armor.
Early economy amazing. Late- much less so.
Missing last farm upgrade, harder time collecting food. Ofc, the 50% hunting bonus is amazing, makes for great scout rushes, good castle times, easier time getting early upgrades. But lategame, missing the two-man saw and crop rotation tanks their hopes for cost efficiency even further.
Several match-ups that are just horrible
Meso civ gg.
I personally like civ ideas, and I have made some of them in the past so, I thought it would be nice to analize this mod made by u/anatarion and u/ChuKoNoob. It was made to add more civs with a similar feeling to the original civs so let's check them out:
(I will focus at gameplay since that's the focus of the mod)
An insteresting but exagerated civ. It has a incredibly open tech tree and bonuses who helps in getting a varied army, who reminds to Chinese. Aniway, Chinese are better but weaker sometimes. What I mean? I mean that chinese have better early game, a more special UU and better towers, while Afghans have better siege and also, much better cavalry. I feel that's inbalanced beetwen early game and late game so I think it needs a nerf on their tech tree and a new eco bonus. Their castle age UT is basically the Korean bonus but you need to pay for it, having only 4% more effective stone miners; it could be better if it was longer lasting stone instead. Also their UU is basically a worst slinger in every way: more expensive, less armor, less pierce armor, slower, less bonus vs infantry, more difficult to mass; even against skirms the archer armor is useless as they still do only 1 damage, making it only effective vs huskies. This civ has every problem that most anatarion's and chu's civs have: bad bonuses at early game but incredible late game tech tree, useless UU, and useless UT.
An extense african umbrella civ, especiallized on boom and late game with nice skirms at the early game. My first thoughts before it was changed were that this civ was special and unique, but after all the changes they feel much more generic. Their principal bonus is the cheaper TCs, permiting them a 4 TC boom without mining stone. Their other bonus is cheaper archerys and 18% faster attacking skirms, which is nice at feudal but still don't consider it an strong bonus. I feel that 25% or even 33% faster may be the go-to for them. Their team bonus (spearmen avaible at dark age, but are weaker) also has only one use and that's a very risky fast-castle without walling up. Before the changes they also have regenerating eles, who was quite unique. Talking about unique things, let's look at the UU and the UT! Their UU is the Assegai spearmen, an "eagle warrior" especiallized on killing cavalry, while being weaker vs archers. I feel that giving them the eagle warrior army could be more accurate but they are already quite weak to infantry so that's not a big problem. The only problem I have with them is that they feel really good. They are very good vs everything but heavy infantry, similar to imperial camels. But they are also good against pikes so we finish with only two generic counters: Champions and Hand canoneer! There is only one other unit that is near to that versatillity and that's Mayan Dorado Eagles. Their first UT (more attack to infantry vs vils) is only worth picking if you either go with the UU or with Condos, as pikes have very low RoF and champions are just very slow to chase villagers. Their second UT makes their siege cheaper on gold. Who doesn't feel very unique very unique compared with Slavs, but it's otherwise ok. So, we finish with a civ who only starts shining at castle age, but even there, you lack good fast units (no knights, eagles, camels or even LC) before putting a castle to make your UU.
A mesoamerican naval civ with a quite limitated tech tree. They have by far the best eco of the mod, with two very solid but not overwhelming economy bonuses, who are that economy buildings support 5 population and that fishing ships carry more resources and also two very decent military bonus, free archer upgrades and increased damage vs buildings at demolition ships. Their economy helps them on going with any early rush, especially the archer rush as they also get the free upgrades so they finish with an important powerspike at early castle. So, what's wrong with them? To start, they have an incredibly limitated tech tree at imperial age, without having an economy as good as Mayan one but indeed, they feel a bit like Vikings since both of them have a large power spike at castle age but lack power units at imperial age, but the Viking tech tree is much better since they have SE, architecture, treadmill cranr and Cannon Galleon. They have three unique things: The Canoe, an exploration ship; the Blowgunner, who is a mix beetwen Chu Ko Nu and a dismounted Arambai, and the Fortified Ranges, an upgrade to the archery range avaible after researching their castle age UT. The fortified ranges have only one problem: their range of only 6 when FU. If it was 8 it may be much better. Their imperial age UT increases Blowgunner and Eagle Warrior ROF by 40%. They are made to be similar to Mayans with their Siege Ram, Eagle Warrior and Blowgunner combo but I would say that is much worst, as their eagles are nice but not as good as Dorado Eagles and the Blowgunner isn't as powefull as Plummes. Their team bonus (infantry and archer can garrison at archery range) is mostly useless but it could be nicer if it included barracks. It can help as a gate for these units, similarly to Khmer houses.
Naval and infantry civilization. Totally focused at late game with only +1 melee armor on infantry at early game. When they reach castle age, they get elephants with increased blast radius, siege units with more garrison and free caneering. I would say that they're still weaker here even with all these bonus. They feel like koreans a bit but even Koreans gets their deadly tower rush and better late game. Their only advantage over Koreans before imperial age are their Eles and that they have Bloodlines but they also lack Thumb Ring. We finish with a civ that will make three units: Rams, elephants, militia and their unique unit, the Bombard Elephant. Their unique unit is a incredible expensive but still quite cost effective elephant with 10 range who is super strong vs buildings and siege but instead of bombard cannons, they are quite tanky. That's probably the backbone of any army of this civilization, since if you can deffend them to Cavalry and Pikes they can kill archers, monks and even other elephants and siege. They also have other unique unit, a weak warship called Karkallatoi, who needs half population space and is very cheap. I would say that they're ok at castle age but they bright at imperial age, with double of the hp and half population. This civ, as someone said on the redfdit discussion is strong because of their UUs and that's all. They also have champions with more hp and armor and armor, good spearmen and somewhat decent archery range and stable but isn't that good. Their rams are nice but their siege workshop is somewhat lacking. A weak civ before castle age, but even there, they lack the strength needed to win the game.
So that's the first part
In yalls opinions, which 3 civs would you say are top tier overall? bottom 3 worst? and maybe some insight as to why
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submitted by /u/MAWL_SC [link] [comments] |
I included a picture of it and it would be great if I can fix it. I'm also new to using Voobly and i really don't know what i'm doing and some tips would help me too. Tnx.
I was hoping someone could explain what the 97.1% joke on T90 videos
I've been playing AOE2 HD campaign and when a character talks the last couple words often get cut off.
Can't find much recent mention of this online.
League of Legends, CS, and other games, for example, are games where I never am nervous at all when playing, but AoE stresses me to the point it keeps me from playing. I have lots of experience with AoE singleplayer, by the way.
I (finally) downloaded voobly and have the expansions, settings and hotkeys setup. I’d like to stream some games but I’m pretty new to OBS and streaming in general.
When I stream HD, I just use the game capture source and select AOE2 HD and that works great. I can alt tab to music or whatever and have it keep showing the game. It just looks better and smoother. What’s the equivalent for voobly? Do I just have to use screen capture instead of game capture? Since AOE only runs when you’re in-game and about to be in-game, I’m not sure what approach to take.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks guys.
Ps follow me at twitch.tv/ninja and get those v-bucks for an epic victory royale.
Could you say who in your opinion are the best and coudl you also include their counter in your comment, thanks
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submitted by /u/Hurricane047 [link] [comments] |
Best players in the world lmfao xD.
My dad played AoE2 when I was younger and I became a fan and started playing myself. Lately I have been getting into the game again, but I don't have the War Chiefs or the Asian Dynasties DLC. My question is, do I have to buy a full version of the game with all of the DLC on it, or can I just buy the DLC itself . Note: I have the game on disc if that helps clarify
I'm not the best with computers at all. I don't have a gaming pc, i have a laptop that's 1.5 years old now. I've always run Rome Total War II smoothly without trouble though, so i thought AoE2 (being a much smaller and older game, with less impressive graphics) would run without problems, would be fine. I literally see 2 frames per second and it's unplayable like this. Is it my PC? do i need to reinstall? The normal vanilla AoE 2 i have works perfectly fine, why is this version suddenly so slow? Is there anything i can do to fix this?
thanks in advance
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submitted by /u/chin-ki-chaddi [link] [comments] |
Time for another weekly round of questions.
Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.
Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.
So ask away!
Klobrille is a really good Insider (he said about Obsidian's acquisition months ago)
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submitted by /u/_Nakamura [link] [comments] |
The title is pretty self explanstory right? it would be cool to have this map, althought having a hero may be a bit op when it comes to different civs, everyone would pick mongols 11. Maybe stats could be tweaked a bit?
I'm only seeing like 8 games in the lobby. Is this normal nowadays or am I in the wrong expansion. I'm currently playing the "complete collection" version from steam
If a tournament round ends in a short enough time, you can sometimes predict the winner after even the first match. Featuring one or two past games of the winner at the end of the video can prevent video length spoilers while still circumventing youtube's video length/content rule.
It would have the added benefit of rewarding the winner by showcasing times they've shined in previous tournaments or in recreational games. Maybe the casters could cast for the old games as well bringing new life to past games.
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submitted by /u/TheBestAtomicBomb [link] [comments] |
I'd like to get rid of the ends of the palisade walls, for a map that I'm making, so it looks like fences instead. This is what it looks like before I save or test the scenario, but this is what it looks like after I save/when I'm playing the scenario. Is there any way to just get rid of the ends? I know you can extend the palisade walls and then use the triggers to get rid of the ends, leaving the middle, but the problem is, I have rock decorations on the ends, and when I use the delete effect with the triggers, it also deletes the rocks. Any other way to do it?
Hello guys,
you are my last hope - i cant get the AI working as i would like it.
Patching old AoE2 with the HD content works quite well - i used WK Edition or AOE2 Tools. My only Problem is that the normal AI is gone after this - and only the Promi AI is available which is okay for me, but my multiplayer-mate is not good enough for it.
At the end there were just two different results: 1.) the "Standard AI" is using Promi AI - but no matter which difficulty is set, its too hard for me. 2.) the "Standard AI" is not working and tries to scout with villagers - not starting to play (i think this came up when i tried to use the Petersen from http://aok.heavengames.com/blacksmith/showfile.php?fileid=12832)
So - is there a way to get an easier AI even with the HD without playing the HD Steam Version?
I hope you can help me - google did not work out
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submitted by /u/Folgers_Coffee45 [link] [comments] |
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I've never seen something like this, I will have to go to IPL to watch my recs 11. Almost 5000 players are logged in! [link] [comments] |
Nothing new.
Nothing new.
Too few bugs for your taste? Build the project yourself for Linux, OS X or Windows and report your own findings to us.
Open Discussions
Nothing new.
I'm not sure if this is possible, I tried switching language on steam and in-game, but the voices and narration in the camaign stays english, this is pretty much just a nostalgic request, since I grew up playing it in german and I really wanna hear those voice lines again
is there a mod or some hidden option to change them?
i upgraded my pc a few weeks ago, freshly installed windows and now my game crashes..
it works fine in beginning, but after some time it just exits without any errormessage to desktop.
i have no clue what could be the reason.. - verified game cache - disabled all mods - reinstalled game - installed on two different ssds - installed newest nvidia driver - created a second windows user - tried with just one opponent with 100 people max population cap - crashes also online with a friend
game keeps crashing. every game. mostly in mid of a big fight. i always start fully developed with a random tribe.
gigabyte aorus x470 ultra gaming ryzen 2700x 16gb ram samsung ssd gigabyte gtx 1080 windforce
has anyone a idea what i could try? thank you.
I keep getting this as an error after just buying the game it comes up after i hit play in the mini screen. does anyone have a fix for this?
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submitted by /u/This_Would_Be_Me [link] [comments] |
Eso seems to be down? Any scheduled maintenance?
I've seen/ran into a strategy with doppel+uhlan massing. I dont know anything more about it, but if any of you tried something of this manner i'd be grateful for a guide-build order.
Is it a rush/timed push or more of an age 3 play?
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submitted by /u/abandon_lane [link] [comments] |
Posiedon unique cavalry, how to use them? Are they still underpowered?
Just installed and logged in, every lobby is playing regular aoe3 AD. No one joins the WoL lobby I make. Where can I play with others?
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submitted by /u/L_Montes [link] [comments] |
Have been trying to work on my game a little more when playing random civs, and I have found it difficult to make great, great army comps that I'm really comfortable with using the meso civs. Recently, I have found a lot more success playing as Mayans and going drush into archers, and then usually expanding into elite eagles, archers or skirms, and siege rams. That being said, I've been winning mostly because I have good up times (for my 17xx skill level) and so my early castle attack more or less wins me the game with enough vill picks/map control. However, I think I may struggle if it truly went to late game. When do you guys get your infantry upgrades, in general? I feel pretty comfortable playing against other archer civs, but infantry civs give me fits, as I can't do my normal late-game siege rams very easily.
Thanks for the help!
So I really want to beat my uncle in cba but can’t. I can barely win a couple of times in the regular game but cba stumps me. What things should I do/work on to get better at the gamemode. Are there any pro cba streamers I can watch?
Hi everyone, I've been trying to play on Voobly, but it always says that I have a different game version than the host, and I already patched Titans to 1.03. When I host, the players can't join my room. Has anyone run into this problem?
Hi guys I have a simple question, what are the differences between those maps, I've found they are pretty similar. What are the differences?
I was playing AOT on Gameranger since 6-7 years. I recently changed my computer from pc to a mac. Currently, I don’t want to go with the boot camp route. Also, wrapping AOT with wine wrapper wont work ,probably cause gameranger wont launch the game or coudn’t identify the path. So, I went with the Virtual Machine route. VMware fusion was sluggish, but Parallels Desktop runs the game smoothly. The driver I used is from http://aarononeal.info/age-of-mythology-under-parallels/ . The file parallels.gfx which is needed to be placed on the gfxconfig & gfxconfig2 folder.
contains the following line:
// these are the plain vanilla versions we start from
anisotropy=1 // DWORD. hardcodes anisotropy on (or off), regardless of what driver says
fontUVOffset=0.0 // float. font UV offset
win32Cursor=1 // DWORD. 0 == d3d cursor. 1 == win32 cursor
// NoWaterBump=1
So, the first issue is that though the desktop runs at 1080p the game doesn’t. Tried to change the resolution on the above file to 1080px32 as the only option, but still the game doesn’t work on 1080p. My user.cfg is:
And persistent.cfg is:
// startup\persistent.cfg
xres 1920
soundOn 1
MusicVol 0.800000
musicOn 1
realScrollSpeed 0.060000
yres 1080
defaultUnitStance 0
playerProfileName "Default"
ESOPassword "Default"
playerGUID "{00C92B88-0D7B-400D-A2D8}"
soundVol 1.000000
MouseScaleX 1.000000
MouseScaleY 1.000000
bpp 16
graphicDetail 0
gamma 128
multisamplemode 1
BroadenMPSearchOption 0
SoundSampleRate 3
showTime 1
showScore 1
currentCampaign "Fall of the Trident"
skipMipMapLevels 0
maineditlist-pos "480 270 960 810"
RoughenSettings-pos "759 450 1162 630"
BrushMaskDialog-pos "0 0 278 759"
But, it seems that nothing sticks, the game does work on widescreen but not at 1080p. Can anyone help me with this issue, but the main deal breaker is that “Drag selection Box” doesn’t appears upon dragging the mouse pointer for selecting multiple units. Though, they all get selected but the box was a precise tool for selecting. I will highly appreciate anyone could help me with the issue.
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submitted by /u/littlegreenalianman4 [link] [comments] |
Is this the real game? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a noob match, no escape gaming champions league
Open your eyes, look at the k/d and see
I just got boared, boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low
Any way Lord DauT rules, doesn't really matter to me, to me
Mama, just killed a man
Put a boar against his head, looked away, now he's dead
Mama, game had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooooh, didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not up before 11:00
Gotta wall, gotta wall, as if nothing really matters
Too late, his drush has come
Sends them down my woodline, vills are idle all the time
Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooooh (Any way Lord DauT rules)
I don't wanna loom
I sometimes wish there weren't any boars at all
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