New civ farming bonus idea

So I was thinking of more creative ways to. incorporate the bonuses of faster farming civilizations, without just like, a flat bonus. And I stumbled upon a ridiculous idea.

What if <insert civ here> had a bonus that allowed one farmer to farm two farms. He'd still have to create both farms, and I guess would automatically reseed both farms. But he would essentially farm at double the speed, but still have the same cap on food he can gather before he has to head back. And it would still take 2 spaces. So instead of a flat 100% bonus to farming, it would be way more inefficient, and effectively, would be an early-mid game bonus that drops off later, as it would mainly just free up villagers.

If it's too OP, you could change it to something like, a single farmer could farm two farms, but only at 75% efficiency, or something similar.

submitted by /u/Exxetron
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