What's the point of Camel Riders in Castle Age?

Please correct my math if I'm wrong, but I just flat out do not see the value in creating camel riders in castle age, given the only thing they're good at is countering knights, which they don't do well until imperial.

Camel Rider: 100 HP, 6 attack, 0/0 armor, +9 bonus vs. cavalry, 2.0 rate of fire

Knight: 100 HP, 10 attack, 2/2 armor, no bonus, 1.8 rate of fire

For simplicity's sake, I'm going to assume no upgrades because if both knights and camels have full upgrades, it changes nothing for the matchup between them.

Camel attacking knight does 6-2+9=13 damage per swing. 8 hits to kill at 1 attack per 2 seconds = 16 seconds to kill a knight.

Knight attacking camel does 10-0=10 damage per swing. 10 hits to kill camel at 1 attack per 1.8 seconds = 18 seconds to kill a camel.

Given how much more versatile knights are vs. archers and as raiding units, this 18 vs 16 seconds TTK seems like it would absolutely never justify running camels when the option to use knights in castle (when gold is abundant) is available.

submitted by /u/Crime_Dawg
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