Newcomer trying out the game and kind of Lost

Hello, So I recently bought the game on steam, big aoe2 fan and have been playing that for years. Never really got into AOE3 for whatever reason and figured why not try it out with DE.

I've really enjoyed the first couple games I've played, but I'm completely lost on unit counters, what's a decent army composition, when I should be aging up, and how to best utilize the deck mechanic.

Still I think it's fun, just would like to learn so I could actually play some multiplayer games, but right now I feel like I'd just curse whatever team I was on.

Should I stick to one civ or is it better to do a bunch of them? In AOE I favored archer civs while using lots of siege in attacks. What civs would be more inclined to that style than say a heavy cavalry or artillery civ?

Any advice tips, would be welcome

submitted by /u/frisbee_guy17
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