Help with Map Classifications

Was wondering if there is a consensus for how the various different maps should be classified. In particular I am trying to identify maps that fall under the labels "open", "closed", "hybrid" or "water". So far I have the following:

Map Name Classification
Acclivity Open
Acropolis Open
African Clearing Nomad
Arabia Open
Arena Closed
Atacama Hybrid
Baltic Hybrid
Black Forest Closed
Crater Open
Eruption Open
Fortress Closed
Four Lakes Hybrid
Frigid Lake Hybrid
Ghost Lake Open
Gold Rush Open
Golden Swamp Hybrid
Greenland Water
Hideout Closed
Islands Water
Lombardia Open
Lowland Open
Marketplace Open
Meadow Hybrid
MegaRandom NA
Migration Water
Mountain Range Open
Nomad Nomad
Northern Isles Water
Oasis Open
Pacific Islands Water
Ring Fortress Open
Runestones Open
Socotra Open
Steppe Open
Team Islands Water
Valley Open

Some I'm not sure about include Oasis, Mountain Range and Lombardia that are open but kinda lean themselves towards closed due to the map layouts / starting positions.

submitted by /u/coolio9876
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from newest submissions : aoe2
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