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submitted by /u/MetaPlaysRTS [link] [comments] |
from newest submissions : AgeofMythology https://ift.tt/6BVvdyT
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submitted by /u/MetaPlaysRTS [link] [comments] |
Add stone resource from AOE2/4. Seriously, the lategame is a nightmare of wall spam that needs to be cut down.
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submitted by /u/MrMobiL_WasntTaken [link] [comments] |
With AOM Retold coming (I hope soon) the community has been talking a lot about changes, eg. more pop, new civs, gods, unities etc. I think all this is fair and reasanoble, since it 's a new game (even though it's a DE with plus, from what I understand). But for some peoples the game should be the exactly same game from 20 years ago, just with new graphs (and even that some people are arguing about). I know a lot of you love this game, me too, it was the first game I ever played, but we should be happy if the game brings new things, because It will makes the game fresh and new, extend It life. Some chenges will be bad, unfortanelly, but EE will always be there to play If you dont like then.
This is a response "Remove Atlanteans from AoMR they are a fictional civilization", "ES should have included x, y, z" and etcetera.
Ensemble were only given time and resources to make one expansion for AoM, concepts were suggested to have Lakota, Aztecs, Romans, Babylonians, Inca, etc for the xpack. Due to this one expansion limit, Ensemble decided to combine the popular ideas (Romans, Aztecs, Inca, and Babylonians) also...
The Atlantean civilization expands upon their initial inclusion in Fall of the Trident (where they are basically Greeks with special walls) Ensemble expanded upon their existence by having them tie into explaining the three vanilla civs, the Atlanteans have the Egyptians architectural style (with Mesoamerican influence) the Norse skin and hair colour palette (white skin, blonde/red hair) and Greeco-Roman army/gladiators. Theocrat (Krios in the Titans)
In 1999 during the late pre-Alpha, one of the concepts ES toyed with before settling on Age of Mythology was an RTS game cantered around the Atlanteans, their inclusion in The Titans was the realization of that concept.
The Atlanteans having concepts such as villagers without dropsites, as well as the inclusion of North American flora (Marsh Trees, Tundra Trees) were a demo of things to come for Age of Empires III, likely to gauge player feedback.
This is a mythology-fantasy game based around using History, Legends and Mythology as a colour palette for game design, Ensemble weren't interested in making a documentary game, they've always stated they wanted to make fun games, if a historical concept was too boring or dark, it'd be removed.
Ensemble weren't as obsessive with Age of Empires as many would like to believe, they were tiring of making similar games, especially using history as a backdrop for an RTS, Age of Mythology was so different from previous games because much of the same formula was becoming stale, and they wanted to start making games that weren't history or RTS-related. The Atlanteans and by extension AoE3's design choices were done to further push the game away from that "basic AoE formula" If you were working on essentially the same series of game with barely any change for 6-7 years you'd want to at least mix stuff up a lot too.
This has been my TED Talk.
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submitted by /u/IamGroot1453 [link] [comments] |
There will be a African Culture and Mythos as seen in many 'Age of' Games which get a HD or DE versions, from:
AoE 2 HD's African Kingdom (2015)
AoE 3 DE African Royals(2021)
AoE 4 Malians
Am I going to against this? TARTARUS NO!
Age of Mythology is literally the thing that makes me interested in Myths of the Greeks, Egypt, and Norse to the point that during family meeting I'm basically the Kid who do story telling from Greek Myths.
If they're going to make a African culture, make it as long as you makes it interesting and make people interested in the culture and mythos in the African continent.
Or Maybe the Romans(the Early Republic, not the Imperials), Gauls, Mesoamericans, etc would be nice.
The Timeline of AoM is already pretty scattered since:
-The Greeks are in the Archaic Era, but their Campaign is in the Bronze Age with the Mycenaean Greeks with the units of the Archaic Era(Hoplite, Peltast, Hippikon and Toxotes) and Hellenic Era(Hypaspist and Prodomos)
-The Egyptians are clearly Bronze Age.
-The Norse are Medieval Dark Age due to their Infantry having the Kite Shields.
-The Atlanteans is a mix of Romans(Murmillo, Turmae, Destroyer, Contarius and Chieroballista) with some fantasy like elements with the Katapeltes and Arcus, while all of them live in Aztec-like Buildings.
Lots of ideas and great discussion regarding RTS design in this thread:
This is a great public resource for design ideas for people who may be building/revamping an RTS game..🤔 🤔. Some of this discussion is definitely relevant to AOMR.
Basically, what it says in the title. I play a lot of matches against AI due to having pretty spotty internet at the best of times and a lot of the matches can feel very similar to each-other namely because the AI just doesn't use Myth units at all.
Anyone here know of any decent AI mods where Myth units are more of a factor?
I tend to end up doing stuff like building proxy Apollo temples, going for Heroic Renewal/Mythic Rejuvenation, and resting next to my priests/valkyries/healing spring during all and any downtimes. this means I hardly ever choose Dionysus/Aphrodite/Heimdall. what would you do if you had to choose between a healing/no-healing minor god?
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submitted by /u/MrMobiL_WasntTaken [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/MikeEmpires [link] [comments] |
I keep seeing people say how they hope AOM retold only sticks to the original 3 civs. I can understand those who want to exclude the Chinese, but why the titans expansion too?
Is it because the Atlanteans are a fictional civ that are basically just the Greeks part 2/ the Roman's with a weird paint job?
Is it because people think they're unbalanced?
I also see people don't want titans in the game.
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submitted by /u/Ahnaf_Intisar [link] [comments] |
Do all cultures play about the same? Ie. In StarCraft the different races have vastly different playstyles and vibes.
My basic understanding is: - Norse are more offense/rush oriented. - Egypt are more defense/boom oriented - Greece is versatile? - Atlanteans are also defense/boom? - Chinese are also defense/boom?
What major differences exist among the major gods in each civ?
I know hades is archers, Poseidon is cav, and Zeus is infantry - what about the other cultures?
We did it kings, queens and gods!!! No more copium!!!!
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submitted by /u/Secure-food4213 [link] [comments] |
First announcement of the stream is AOE Mobile. Not looking good for us today, boys and girls...
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submitted by /u/conorbebe [link] [comments] |
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Assemble. [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Tape_jara [link] [comments] |
Does anyone have a good source for getting started?
I love the Tyr's cult because he gives me two units i love: Jormungandr's Elvers and Fenris Brood.
Jormund E are really good as water units. But instead i find Fenris Brood kinda weak. Their passive is good but they are too squishy and they often they can't use it well because they die. They fall super ez in battle in the late game phase when they are unlocked.
Is there a strategy to use them well or they are utter trash?
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submitted by /u/PowerPlayGaming2 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Ok_luar [link] [comments] |
Coming back to this game after many years because I just can't forget it. Dived straight inyo the editor (extended edition) and I swear there was an option to make a map that was fully painted with sand/snow/rock/water etc when creating a new file.
I want to make a giant map that is fully ocean, without having to paint the entire map by hand which would take forever. Is there not a way to do that?
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submitted by /u/Astlandian [link] [comments] |
I watch on YouTube and Boit seems to know every favourable unit match up
I've been playing quite a bit of random maps recently and I've noticed on water maps (particularly team migration) that the AI are way less aggressive and advance at a much slower rate than non-water maps. I understand that they need a transport ship in order to attack sometimes, but I still find it odd that they advance much slower. Does anyone know why this is?
Which unit in the game do you think is the cutest in appearance and sounds? My vote goes for Cerberus, triple doge go brrr
Hey I was just wondering what is everybody's fav unit and why? Ideally not units that you can only spawn once (titans, son of osiris etc but greek heroes are ok)
Personally for me it's unfortunately impossible for me to choose between Gastraphetes and Fire Giants since I use them the same way as anti building units that aren't siege engines. Gastraphetes have amazing range and great damage but a gang of Fire Giants can easily decimate a whole group of the enemy's troops in a second if they all use their special ability at the same time
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Burning all those heads. [link] [comments] |
Really? I've been playing this game for years and now it's demanding I download the ToD DLC or it just quits the game. I have no mods installed either. Judging by the reviews for the DLC I have no intentions of buying it, I just want to play the original game I paid for.
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submitted by /u/Kouroubelo_ [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/kolokopos [link] [comments] |
Oranos turma can at 5.5, but Gaia ones can't at 5.0, but what about stuff that is 5.3?
As I understand it from Ippert's amazing excel file, most ranged units have a track rating of 5 meaning they hit anything with 5 speed or less - is that correct?
And only a small handful have a track rating of 6 meaning they can hit 6 speed units (priests/ Greek heroes).
So are you telling me it's a case of any unit with speed of 5.01 can't be hit by anything except priests and Greek heroes?
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submitted by /u/WARCO_exe [link] [comments] |
I using a Ryzen r7 6800h, Nvidia 3060 mobile 140w When there is situation like defend an ancient wonder which are 4 or 5 titans and 300-400 units, my fps drop from 35-48 to 12-18
Settings are maxed out and resolution 2560x1440, and if I use 1920x1080 I have the same problem. Go down from 165 or 144hz to 60hz but same
I tried to change some settings from Nvidia control panel, and had set 3060 for aom but no way
It's ridiculous since I can almost play cyberpunk maxed out at 90 fps (with dlss)
Do you line them up side by side or do you put them close to each other with little spaces in between?
Im trying to get better so i would appreciate your insights and experiences
I place mine randomly which blocks my units a lot of the times so im trying to have a plan when i start placing my military buildings
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submitted by /u/Kouroubelo_ [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/IamGroot1453 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Mr_Skeltal_Naxbem [link] [comments] |
Fast Facts:
-1500 - 1900 EE (casual players only)
-10 sign-ups thus far (16 maximum)
-Starts October 9th (but players will be given 2 weeks to schedule their first matches, event to be 3-4 weeks long)
-Rule change: All players must play Aztec just once per round
-Mod Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2759618117 (98% positive)
-RotG team consistently patches/updates the civ
Hope to see you in the inscriptions!
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submitted by /u/Alternative_Belt325 [link] [comments] |
Hi all, I am playing AOE EE on my surface pro 8, the CPU is i7-1185g7 and running latest windows 11. I can load in the game no problem, but the game constantly crash, and the timing seems quite randomly, sometimes it crashed just 1 minute in, and sometime it may last like 20ish minutes. Besides crashing, the game sometimes went into the intro loading screen (with the aom splash and the bottom bar saying loading assets stuff) and the game resume. Can somebody help me plz :)
On Boit's Youtube when he watches recs he has a specific caravan counter displayed, but I cannot find anything that you can use when you're actually playing.
The whole, play it by ear, stop building them once you have a thick stream is unreliable, and often leads to me deleting excess ones in the late game, when I realised I went "too thick".
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submitted by /u/MikeEmpires [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/DeviantDiscord1 [link] [comments] |
With "we" I mean a group of 4 Friends and me
Our level varies but it ranges from mid to low level in the genre of Real Time Strategy games
We started playing about a week ago, and we played some matches since, we've played free for all and teamed up vs the AI.
We played some random "faction" matches, in wich the person who got Atlanteans ended up winning unless focused by the others, they ascended so quick, and were ready to attack very fast.
The same happened against the AIs when one of them got the mentioned faction, they just progressed so fast and Russhed us when they were un Classical
We decided to ban picking them, so we can't select them, but can get them using Random, and risk getting the Norse wich we don't know how to play.
So, are they really Thaaat good? Or it's just our low level of experience at the game? And how can we counter them? So they are not so unfair to play against
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submitted by /u/adrianoarcade [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Alternative_Belt325 [link] [comments] |
I've been playing AoM for a very long time, but I've never really noticed this before. I was playing a few random map games and I saw that my resources (particularly wood) were slowly trickling down for no apparent reason. Is there something I'm obviously missing? It only happens in late game when I have quite a bit of resources so it's not exactly detrimental just more confusing. I noticed it a Kronos run and a Poseidon run, just wondering if there's some mechanic I'm not familiar with.
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submitted by /u/MetaPlaysRTS [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Bubblegum1109 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/loomieloony [link] [comments] |
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Avenger's special sword swoosh and Son of Osiris's special lightning staff glow have been fixed, and they now properly affect every attack, instead of only the first one. Mummies also no longer needlessly release their flies breath a second time. Works for The Titans as well as Vanilla AoM, not tested on EE. Installation: Place all 3 .prt files into your Age of Mythology\models folder. That's it! This mod is purely visual, and therefore doesn't affect your multiplayer games whatsoever. [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Alternative_Belt325 [link] [comments] |
So, when I play singleplayer against AI, I often win after destroying all of the AI's Town Centers, where they request to resign, and I accept it. However, I was playing with a friend today and we did a multiplayer map. We destroyed the opponent's Town Centers, but they did not ask to resign. Is there a reason why that does not happen? Also, is there any kind of mod or anything that the community knows about to make this possible by any chance?
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submitted by /u/SmartCasual1 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/XLightningStormL [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Kouroubelo_ [link] [comments] |
Does AOM work on windows 11?
It crashes with pegasus and theseus, not gonna test more tho because its very frustrating.
I tried changing the language from portuguese to english but it still crashes.
The game immediately closes like im pressing a X button.
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submitted by /u/steruY [link] [comments] |
I just recently started playing around with modifying units by editing the proto(x).xml file.
However I'm editing the proto2.8.xml (AOM:EE) which means if I were to play a standard game it will be affected by any potential changes I've made (and online play is probably impossible).
At the moment I've just got a backup of the original file and rename them back and forth, but it's pretty inconvenient.
Ideally I'd want to just be able to have a new proto.xml file in the Data folder which would only be used by my custom scenarion/campaign without affecting normal gameplay.
I've read online that the AoM campaign uses the data from the first proto.xml (and you can see while playing campaign that unit stats and costs are different from current balance), so it should be possible, but I haven't found anywhere in the Map/Scenario Editor to change this.
p.s. I'm currently using Enhanced Edition but if I have to I wouldn't mind The Titans. I already read that if you want to make new custom civilizations and gods you can't use Enhanced Edition so I've already been thinking about switching.
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submitted by /u/Kouroubelo_ [link] [comments] |
Hello there, as per the title, Im looking for a scenario tester, as im continuingly making scenarios for the 2nd part of my custom campaign, i need someone to test those scenarios and try to cheese the crap out of them, looking for gaps, bugs, testing the overall difficulty...etc. I had a friend of mine doing this stuff, but he no longer plays the game unfortunately.
I tried doing this myself, but no matter how hard I try, i find myself subconsciously doing the "right thing" as i made the whole thing up, so i need a person that has no clue what is going on ! Thank you !
Link to part 1 : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2605440297
Requires AOM Extended Edition + Tale of Dragon DLC
I haven't played aom in almost 10 years and want to get back into it. This may be a stupid question but I'm not sure if my laptop can handle the game as I don't know a lot about computers. I was looking at the steam system requirements, but couldn't understand very well. I have the Dell Inspiron 14 5425, will this be able to play the game?
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submitted by /u/Oztaquio2 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/cballer1010 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Bleicher6 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/suussees [link] [comments] |
I was reminiscing about when I played multiplayer over a decade ago and I remembered those high resource maps that were divided into separate bases and it got me thinking...
Why were those maps all called "Zelda" maps? Does anyone know?
December 18, 2019
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submitted by /u/Aryannick [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Saw_98 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/IamGroot1453 [link] [comments] |
Have there been any news about AoM2? Or the HD edition, like they did for AoE 2? The game was my childhood
Though I regret buying the Chinese expansion. Now THAT was a massive letdown. Really hope they fix that one day
I assume not as they are both myth units, but just asking the question in the event that it is some quirk in the game.
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submitted by /u/carnivorous_cactus [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/Maskyboi77 [link] [comments] |
Title, basically. I see a lot of Oranos/Set, but beyond that, I've got no idea.
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submitted by /u/XLightningStormL [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/ModdingAom [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/DoD_xperimenta [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/HowRYaGawin [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/blabal32 [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/sektormk9 [link] [comments] |
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