Animal roster sorted in ''Age of Mythology'' game!

Hello, I have always loved the fauna biodiversity in the ''Age of...'' games therefore I have made a list of animal species I would love to see if/when this game receives an expanison/definitive edition. Would mention that many of these are already in the game and the species which aren't- I got the inspiration from another of my favourite childhood Microsoft video games called ''Zoo Tycoon''.

Sorted by regional maps:

I.Europe- Deer, Wild Boar, Brown Bear, Timber Wolf, Ibex, Aurochs

II.Middle East- Dromedary Camel, Jackal

III.Africa- Lion, Hyena, Leopard, Monkey, African Elephant, Giraffe, Black Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, Thomson's Gazelle, Zebra, Wildebeest, Water Buffalo, Flamingo, Ostrich, Bongo, Sable Antelope, Okapi, Gemsbok, Nile Crocodile

IV.India- Asian Elephant, Indian Rhinoceros

V.Mongolia- Bactrian Camel, Przewalski's Horse

VI.China- Bengal Tiger, Asian Bear, Giant Panda, Yak

VII.Japan- same as Europe but add Serow

VIII.North America- Black Bear, Coyote, Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Alligator, Puma, Moose, Caribou

IX.Central America- Tapir, Jaguar

X.South America- same as Central America but add Rhea and Llama

XI.Polynesia- none (which is gonna be a gameplay challenge) but there would be herdables

XI.Australia- Red Kangaroo, Emu

XII.North Pole- Polar Bear, Arctic Wolf, Musk Ox, Walrus

XIV.South Pole- Emperor Penguin, Elephant Seal

Player animals and non-interactive:

1.Herdables- Cow (can have regional variants), Sheep, Goat, Pig, Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Peacock

2.Removed/Replaced- Crowned Crane, Lizard, Ram, Baboon

3.Marine- Dolphin, Shark, Orca, Whale

4.Airborne- Eagle, Vulture, Parrot, Crane, Seagull, Condor

submitted by /u/DeviantDiscord1
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